Translation of the song 遺書 artist Amazarashi



English translation



There's not a single thing blocking the endless wilderness


Not a single dragging feeling or something of the like

また明日を夢見るも 今日が過ぎ行き今日となり

Even if tomorrow I see a dream, it'll pass by and become today

手にするものは数あれど 連れて行く物は数少ない

While there are some things I obtained, the number of things I'm taking with me is so few

無用な涙はくれてやれ 去るものにだけくれてやれ

Give me useless tears, hand them only to those who are leaving

理想も夢想も綯い交ぜの 独りよがりの詩歌には

Ideals, dreams and a mixture of smug poetry

拍手や涙は似合わない 吹き曝し位が丁度いい

don't match applause and tears, but that windswept position is just fine

そこを 私の墓標にしてください

Please raise my tomb there

手向ける花は風任せ 野花の種子が舞うでしょう

The offered flowers are swaying with the wind, then maybe the seeds of the wild flowers will dance

雨が降ったら喜んで 虫の死骸と眠ります 私は土になるのです

If the rain falls, I'll be happy to sleep with the corpses of the worms. I'll become soil


I'll be trodden by someone and become soil

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