Translation of the song 風邪 artist Amazarashi
A Cold
37度の微熱 もんどりうったソファーに亀裂
Slight fever of 98.6 degrees. I fall into the crevice of the sofa.
彼女の長い髪の毛 それで心を縛って祈れ 背後霊
My girlfriend’s long hair. The guardian angel who gathers my soul and prays.
どこにも飛んでかない様に もうふらふらしない様に
She doesn’t fly off to anywhere. The dizziness seems to fade away.
待合室で嘔吐した病院 人生汚してこそフィロソフィー
Vomiting in the hospital’s waiting room. The philosophy of a sullied life.
やりたいこと やりたくないこと やれること やれないこと
What one wants to do. And what one does not. What one can do. And cannot.
面倒くさくなってほっぽって 選択肢すらなくしちゃって
That which isn’t worth the trouble, tossed. All options become lost.
Fate doesn’t see fit to bestow any alternatives.
The inevitable will inevitably find a means to occur.
Sorry about that, I’ve just been a little under the weather. I promise.
かれこれ数時間 便器にしがみついて 朦朧とうわ言
Been clinging to the toilet for hours now, delirious and in a daze.