Translation of the song 馬鹿騒ぎはもう終わり artist Amazarashi



English translation

Playtime's Over Now.

今日が壊れて もう、お開きの時間だ

Today's come to nothing. It's time to head back now.

散らかった部屋を出て デッキで最後の一杯

Leaving the messy room for one last pint on the deck.

君はまだ若い風を シャツの裾に飼っていて

You're still keeping that young wind on the cuff of your shirt.

朝がやがて来るはずの 地平線をそっと撫でる

I softly stroke the horizon on which morning will surely come before long.


Playtime's over now.

ラグの模様が変わってら ピザソースとビールで

The pattern on the rug is so strange. With pizza sauce and beer on it.

時に汚した人生は 書き直したことにして

I've decided to rewrite our lives that are so dirtied at times.

ふしだらな政治家に 怒るのは分かるけど

I understand getting mad at our slovenly politicians, but

ワイン瓶で割ったテレビ 弁償はしてもらうぜ

I'll need you to pay me back for the TV cracked by a wine bottle.


Playtime's over now.

時に自分を失った気になるよ 抗うつ剤や手の温みや給付金や

At times, I feel uneasy about having lost myself. Antidepressants, warmth of a hand, welfare,

不在届や自身の不在やいや 砂嵐 胸騒ぎ 今は亡き 17歳

notice of absence and absence of self. Sandstorm, apprehension, now deceased. 17 years old.


Playtime's over now.

読みかけスワン家のほうへ ゴミ箱のコンドーム

Leafing through Swann's Way. Condom in the trash can.

便所で寝てる友人 いや、あんた誰だっけ

Friend sleeping in the toilet. Wait, no, who are you again?


I can go however far, but with this face that says I don't dare to.

この世界に腰掛けては 退屈と飲み交わした

To sit down in this world is to have a drink with tedium.


Playtime's over now.

僕らの片手では 取りこぼしてしまうんだ

In one of our hands, we lost an easy game.

ほら、たった今落とした 車のキーみたいにね

See, we dropped it just now. Just like a car key.

「止めておきな 死んじまうよ」 君が可笑しそうに言う

Stop it, you'll die! You say, like it's funny.

「止めておきな 死んじまうよ」 確かにね 確かにね

Stop it, youll die! It's true. It's true.

時に自分を失った気になるよ 晴れた土日やアルコールやセロトニンや

At times, I feel uneasy about having lost myself. A sunny weekend, alcohol, serotonin,

深い眠りや海底は暗いやいや 砂嵐 胸騒ぎ 今は亡き 17歳

deep sleep and dark seafloor. Sandstorm, apprehension, now deceased. 17 years old.


Playtime's over now.

頭痛だけが残った狂熱 真夏に干上がるいつかの夢

Only a headache left by wild passion. A dream from some time ago, dried up in midsummer.

散らばった野心と向こう見ず 微笑みと無防備な迎合

Scattered aspirations and recklessness. A smile and defenselessly catering to you.

正しさは時々ヒステリー 線路の 朽ちてゆく枕木

What is correct is sometimes hysteria. The rotting railroad ties of the track.

五月の湿った土の匂い 影踏みというより影踏まれ

The smell of the dampened soil in May. Rather than stepping on shadows, it's more like shadows stepped on.

片づけが終わったら 朝が来たら

When we've finished cleaning up, when morning has come,

僕らはどこに 向かうんだろう

I wonder where we'll go.

それはね それはね 君がつぶやく

You mumble, about that.. About that,


We're each going back to our own lives.


Playtime's over now.

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