Translation of the song Kvällning / Trollvisan artist Finntroll
Kvällning / Trollvisan
Nightfall / Troll-Song
Trollet satt på sten och ropade: HEJ!
The troll sat on a stone and shouted: HEY!
Vem har spillt mitt mjöd ut?
Who has poured out my mead?
Men inget djur i skogen eller kära grottans djup
But no animal neither in the wood nor the cave’s depth
Visste vem som hade vällt ut skogstrollets sup
knew who had emptied out the forest troll's drink.
Trollet satt på sten och ropade: HEJ!
The troll sat on a stone and shouted: HEY!
Vem har trampat mina svampar ner?
Who has trampled down my mushrooms?
Men inget djur i skogen eller kära himlens barn
But neither animal in the forest nor child of the sky
Visste vem som hade stampat hela fältet bart
knew who had stamped down the entire field.
Trollet satt på sten och ropade: HEJ!
The troll sat on a stone and shouted: HEY!
Mjöd och fläsk till de vise!
Mead and meat to the wise one!
Inget djur i skogen eller grottetrollets barn
Neither animal in the wood nor cave troll's child
Som visste att det var enda trollet hade kvar
knew those were the only things the troll still had left.
Och råttorna svamlade till trollet: HEJ!
And the rats whispered to the troll:
De kristna har spillt ditt mjöd!
The Christians have spilled your mead!
De kristna har trampat dina svampar!
The Christians have trampled your mushrooms!
De kristna ha slagit dina bröder!
The Christians have beaten your brothers!
Sen blev trollet ilsken och steg upp från sin sten
Then the troll got angry and stood up from his stone,
Han gick till kristna landet och brände fula kyrkan ner
he went to the Christian land and burned down the hideous church.