Translation of the song E fu subito amore artist Al Bano & Romina Power
E fu subito amore
And It Was Love Right Away
E fu subito amore, fin dai primi di maggio,
And it was love right away, from early May,
Sono poche parole, sembra ieri pensandoci.
The words are few, it seems like yesterday thinking about it.
Strani giochi del cuore, tu compagno di giochi,
Strange games of the heart, with you as playmate,
Adoravi le lady, mi hai detto guardandomi.
You loved ladies, you said looking at me.
Mi ricordi quei giorni, fino all'alba l'amore.
You remind me of those days, love until dawn.
Le tue bambole antiche sorridevano insieme a te.
Your antique dolls smiled along with you.
E i tuoi corti vestiti, come prati fioriti
And your short dresses, like flowering meadows,
Che, distesi nel vento, mi ridavano la libertà.
Which, stretched out in the wind, restored my freedom.
Sai che lo rivivrei,
You know I would relive it,
Anch'io lo rivivrei,
I would also relive it,
Anch'io lo rivivrei.
I would also relive it.
Primo fiore d'inverno, il nuovo ruolo di donna,
First flower of winter, the new role of woman,
Notti insonni, ascoltando carillon che suonavano.
Sleepless nights, listening to music box playing.
Tutto il tempo passato non è solo un ricordo,
All the past time is not just a memory,
Tra risate ed un pianto, la vita è una favola.
Between laughter and crying, life is a fairy tale.
Mi ricordo quegli anni, quante giuste canzoni,
I remember those years, how many good songs,
Quante maschere in giro, e tu sola vicino a me.
How many masks around, and you alone, next to me.
Solitudine in due e cent'anni son pochi,
Loneliness in two and a century is a short time.
Se vivessi di nuovo, io te sempre risceglierei.
If I lived again, I would still choose you.
Ed io lo rivivrei,
And I would relive it,
Anch'io lo rivivrei,
I would also relive it,
Anch'io lo rivivrei.
I would also relive it.
E fu subito amore, fin dai primi di maggio,
And it was love right away, from early May,
Sono poche parole, sembra ieri pensandoci.
The words are few, it seems like yesterday thinking about it.
Solitudine in due e cent'anni son pochi,
Loneliness in two and and a century is a short time.
Se vivessi di nuovo, io te sempre risceglierei.
If I lived again, I would still choose you.
Ed io lo rivivrei,
And I would relive it,
Anch'io lo rivivrei,
I would also relive it,
Ed io lo rivivrei,
And I would relive it,
Ed io lo rivivrei,
And I would relive it,
Amch'io lo rivivrei...
I would also relive it...