Translation of the song Emir artist Cem Adrian
The Command
Tüm sözler seninse,sessizlik benim.
If all the words are yours, silence is mine.
Içimde açan bu siyah sey senin.
This black thing blooming inside me is yours.
Yüzümden derimden kalbimden damaylan yerlere saçilan bu renkler senin.
The colors that drip from my face, my skin, my heart and spill on the floor are yours.
Elinden tutar hep götürür seni,kapilar kapatir birakir beni.
It takes you by the hand, always leads you away. The doors close me, leave me behind.
Geride,derinde,gecenin içinde seni izleyen o gölge hep benim.
At the back, within the depth, inside the night, the shadow watching you is always mine.
Uzaklar seninse tüm yollar benimdir,gördügüm yüzünse sevmek bana emirdir.
If the distance is yours, all the roads are mine. If it's your face that I see, love is a command to me.
Sana uzanan sadece ellermdir hissetmelisin.
What reach out to you are only my hands. You should feel.
Kalbim en saglam en yikilmaz kalemdir.
My heart is my soundest, most indestructible fortress.
Yildizlar seninse,karanlik benimdir.
If the stars are yours, darkness is mine.
Sözlerim en dokunulmaz mabedimdir,gitmemelisin.
My words are my most untouchable sanctuary. You shouldn't leave.
Aaahh hosçakal deme..Kal.
Don't say goodbye. Stay.
Uzaklar seninse tüm yollar benimdir,gördügüm yüzünse sevmektir emir.
If the distance is yours, all the roads are mine. If it's your face that I see, the command is to love.
Sana uzanan sadece ellerimdir,hissetmelisin.
What reach out to you are only my hands. You should feel.
Kalbim en saglam en yikilmaz kalemdir.
My heart is my soundest, most indestructible fortress.
Yildizlar seninse,karanlik benimdir.
If the stars are yours, darkness is mine.
Sakin vazgeçme sakin vazgeçme gitmemelisin.
Don't ever give up. Don't ever give up. You shouldn't go.
Hosçakal deme..Kal.
Don't say goodbye. Stay.