Translation of the song Zem Mūsu Kājām artist Unknown Artist (Latvian)
Zem Mūsu Kājām
Under our feet
Zem mūsu kājām lielceļš balts
Under our feet a highway white
Uz Latviju tas ved.
To Latvia it leads.
Uz Latviju, kur naidnieks baigs,
To Latvia, where a ruthless enemy,
Pār laukiem nāvi sēj
Sows death over the fields.
Mēs soļojam droši un lepni,
We're marching bravely and pridely,
Un šautenes plecos ir mums,
And rifles are on our shoulders,
un senajo varoņu vārdi,
And the names of our ancient heroes,
nāk līdzi, kā mantojums mums.
comes, like a heritage with us.
Mēs nāksim drīz, Latvija, gaidi!
We're coming soon, Latvia, wait!
Un nesīsim brīvību Tev
And we'll bring freedom to You
Kas mums dārga!
Which is dear to us!
(x2) Un mēs ejam un ejam un traucam un steidzam
(x2) And we're going and going and running and rushing
Par vēlu mēs nedrīkstam būt!
Too late we musn't be!
Mums viena doma sirdī kvēl
One thought burns in our heart
Par tēvu zemi stāt!
To stand for father land!
Un nežēlīgam naidniekam
And make the ruthless enemy
Likt visu atmaksāt!
To pay for everything!
Mēs šautenēm liksim tad liesmot,
We'll make our rifles blaze then,
Un granātu metējiem kaukt,
And grenade throwers yell,
Bet pašiem mums nāvei būs spītēt,
But we'll have to spite death,
Ložu svilpieniem atbalsis saukt!
Call echoes to whistles of bullets!
Mēs ticam trīs Latvijas zvaigznēm,
We believe in three Latvia's stars,
Lai ugunī spožas kļūst tās, mūžu mūžam!
May they shine in fire, forever!
(x2) Un mēs ejam un ejam uz priekšu tik traucam
(x2) And we're going and going to forward we're running
Par vēlu mēs nedrīkstam būt!
Too late we musn't be!