Translation of the song Vida artist Estrella Morente



English translation


Potser em deixin les paraules

Maybe the words will leave me

o potser em deixeu vosaltres

or maybe all of you will leave me

o només els anys em posin

or just the years pose for me

a mercè d’alguna onada,

at the mercy of some wave,

a mercè d’alguna onada.

at the mercy of some wave.

Mentre tot això m’arriba,

While all this comes to me,

que a la força ha d’arribar-me,

that has to reach me by force,

potser tingui temps encara

I may have time to face

de robar-li a la vida

to steal from life

i així omplir el meu bagatge.

and fill my baggage.

Mentre tot això m’arriba... vida, vida!

While all this comes to me... life, life!

Encara veig a vegades,

I still see sometimes,

de vegades veig encara

sometimes I still see

els meus ulls d’infant que busquen,

my childish eyes they seek,

més enllà del glaç del vidre,

beyond the glass ice,

un color a la tramuntana.

a color like the Tramuntana (mountains)

M’han dit les veus assenyades

I have been told by sensible voices

que era inútil cansar-me;

that it was useless to tire me out;

però a mi un somni mai no em cansa,

but to me a dream never tires me,

i malgrat la meva barba

and despite my beard

sóc infant en la mirada.

I'm a child by the look of it.

A vegades veig encara... vida, vida!

Sometimes I still see... life, life!

Si em faig vell en les paraules,

If I get old in words,

si em faig vell en les paraules

if I get old in words

per favor tanqueu la porta

Please close the door.

i fugiu de l’enyorança

and flee from the longing

d’una veu que ja s’apaga.

of a voice that's already being snuffed out

Que a mi no m’ha de fer pena,

I don't have to feel sorry for myself,

que a mi no em farà cap pena

that won't make me sorrowful

i aniré de branca en branca

and I'll go from branch to branch

per sentir allò que canten

to feel what they sing

nous ocells del meu paisatge.

new birds from my landscape.

Que a mi no em farà cap pena... és vida, vida!

That won't make sorrowful... it's life, life!

Si la mort ve a buscar-me,

If death comes looking for me,

si la mort ve a buscar-me

if death comes looking for me

té permís per entrar a casa,

she has permission to enter the house,

però que sàpiga des d’ara

but I know from now on

que mai no podré estimar-la.

I'll never be able to love her.

I si amb ella he d’anar-me’n,

And if I have to go with her,

i si amb ella he d’anar-me’n,

and if I have to go with her,

tot allò que de mi quedi,

everything that's left of me,

siguin cucs o sigui cendra

are worms or ashes

o un acord del meu viatge,

or an agreement for my trip,

vull que cantin aquest signe... vida, vida!

I want you to sing this sign... life, life!

Potser em deixin les paraules

Perhaps the words will leave me

o potser em deixeu vosaltres

or maybe you'll all eave me

o només els anys em posin

or just the years pose for me

a mercè d’alguna onada,

at the mercy of some wave,

a mercè d’alguna onada.

at the mercy of some wave.

Mentre tot això m’arriba... vida, vida!

While all this comes to me... life, life!

Mentre tot això m’arriba... vida, vida! 

While all this comes to me... life, life! 

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