Translation of the song Nemmeno un grammo artist Marco Mengoni
Nemmeno un grammo
Not even a gram
Tu chi sei
You, who are
Che conti i miei respiri
the one that count my breaths
Con due parole dici
With two words you say
Quello che
Di fiato io ci metterei chilometri
would take me kilometers of breaths
Che ci fai con tutti quei pensieri
What do you do with all of those thoughts
Sono pesanti addosso
They are heavy
Che ci fai
What you're doing
E ti anneriscono le mani
and you hands are blackening
Puoi soltanto vivere
You can only live
Cadere a terra e correre
fall to the ground and run
Andare avanti come fanno gli altri
Go ahead like others
Come tutti
like everybody
Dove vai
Where are you going
Che il freddo prende a morsi
there the cold begins to bite
Ti si congelano le mani se
Your hands will freeze if
Le usi adesso come scudi
you use them as shields now
Vieni qua
Come here
E conta i miei respiri
and count my breaths
Sui nostri volti
on our faces
Il tempo è passato
The time has passed
Nei nostri occhi deve ancora arrivare
in our eyes it is yet to come
Puoi soltanto vivere
You can only live
Cadere a terra e correre
fall on the ground and run
Andare avanti come fanno gli altri
Go ahead like others
Come tutti
like everybody
Ti solleverei anche se
I would rise you even if
Io fossi a terra e tu là in piedi
I were on the ground and you standing in front of me
Non dobbiamo cedere
We don't have to surrender
Nemmeno un grammo di amore agli altri
even a gram of our love to the others
The days will go
The days will go
The time will flow
The time will flow
As a pain relief inside of me
As a pain relief inside of me
Before you go
Before you go
Let me thank you
Let me thank you
'Cause you killed me
'Cause you killed me
And you did it perfectly
And you did it perfectly
I would rise even if
I would rise even if
I was on the ground and you standing in front of me
I was on the ground and you standing in front of me
We can't surrender even a gram of love
We can't surrender even a gram of love
Ti solleverei anche se
I would rise you even if
Io fossi a terra e tu là in piedi
I were on the ground and you standing in front of me
Non dobbiamo cedere
We don't have to surrender
Nemmeno un grammo d'amore, un grammo d'amore agli altri
even a gram of love, even a gram of love to the others
The days will go
The days will go
The time will flow
The time will flow
We can't surrender even a gram of love
We can't surrender even a gram of love