Son tus ojos los que busco,
What I'm looking for are your eyes
no los encuentro;
And I can't find them;
son tus labios los que quiero
What I want to see is your lips smiling
ver sonreír,
And to see them to smile.
pero ellos me son tan ingratos,
But they are so ungrateful to me
pero ellos se burlan de mí, es así.
And they tease me, That's it!
Solo quiero decirte un secreto,
I just want to tell you a secret,
solo quiero mi dicha expresar,
I just want to express my joy,
solo quiero cantar los cantares
I just want to sing the songs
que repiten las olas del mar.
That the waves of the see repeat.
El amor que tú me diste,
The love that you gave me,
yo lo conservo,
I will keep etched in my mind forever,
grabado en mi memoria
Etched in my memory
siempre estará.
Always will be.
Un recuerdo del alma te pido:
I beg you to remember me with the soul:
no me olvides, no te olvidaré, es así.
Don't forget me, I won't forget you, That's it!
Solo quiero decirte un secreto,
I just want to tell you a secret,
solo quiero mi dicha expresar,
I just want to express my joy,
solo quiero cantar los cantares
I just want to sing the songs
que repiten las olas del mar. (bis)
That the waves of the see repeat. (bis)