Translation of the song アドレサンス (思春期) の週末 artist Momoko Kikuchi
アドレサンス (思春期) の週末
Adolescent weekend
フロントグラスに黄昏(たそがれ)とHabor lights
Twilight and harbor lights in the front glass
流れるBGM ふたりの隙間(すきま)埋める
The background music playing fills the gap
I laugh casually saying Let's go to the sea
ときめく週末(ウィークエンド) 少し勇気
Throbbing weekend. I came here
With the intention of testing my bravery
Suddenly pushing the accelerator, we run
By a long curve
あなたへと心が近づけば (I follow you)
When my heart gets close to you (I follow you)
このままじゃ帰れない想いが (I follow you)
Becomes more painful the thought (I follow you)
切なくつのるわ 私のAdolescence(アドレサンス)
That I can't go home like this. My adolescence
Suddenly you stop the car in the sea fronted street
Who are you phoning?
I bite my lips for an appearance from behind
Your silent profile removes the watch
And looks at the waves
腕を組む恋人に目を伏せ (I follow you)
I cast my eyes down for the lover who crosses his arms (I follow you)
今夜こそ打ち明けてほしいの (I follow you)
Tonight I want you to be sincere (I follow you)
言葉が途切れて とまどうAdolescence
Your words are interrupted. Bewildered adolescence
(lovely tender breeze I follow you)
(lovely tender breeze, I follow you)
(lovely tender breeze I follow you)
(lovely tender breeze, I follow you)
ブレーキを今はかけないでね (I follow you)
Now don't push the break (I follow you)
夢の中あなたに寄りそって (I follow you)
I'm getting close to you in dreams (I follow you)
涙が右頬 光るのAdolescence
My tears shine in my right cheek. It's the adolescence.