Translation of the song 집 앞 카페 (The Cafe) artist 2PM


집 앞 카페 (The Cafe)

English translation

At the cafe in front of my house (The Cafe)

이따가 낮에 넌 뭐해

What are you doing later in the day?

나랑 우리 집 앞 카페

Would you like to have a cup of coffee with me,

거기서 커피 한잔할래

At the cafe in front of my house?

할 일은 많지 진짜

I have a lot of work to do, really,

근데 손에 잡히질 않지

But I can't get my hands on it

널 처음 만났던 그 날 그 뒤로

Ever since the day I first met you

너만 떠올라 매일

You're the only one I think about every day

웃음이 멈추질 않아

I can't stop smiling

생각이 계속 나

I can't stop thinking about it

너의 얼굴만

It's just your face

문자를 계속 봐

Keep looking at the text

너와 나눈 말

What I've said to you

어떡하면 나 좋을까

What should I do?

이렇게나 좋을까

I wish I could do this

빠져 드나 봐 빠져 있나 봐

I think I'm falling for you, I think I'm into you

오늘은 뭐해 주말인데 쉬는 날인데

What are you doing today? It's weekend, I'm off

만약 약속 없다면 너만 좋으면

If you don't have an appointment, and if you would like it

낮에 넌 어때 해가 좋을 때

What about you in the daytime when the sun is good?

우리 집 바로 앞에

Right in front of my house

나랑 집 앞 카페

At the cafe in front of my house with me

한적한 곳이라 딱인데

It's a quiet place

예쁜 카페

A pretty cafe

너가 좋아하는 커피 한잔에

Having a cup of coffee you that you like

마주 앉아서 얘길 나누면

We can sit face to face and talk

어떨까 묻고 싶어

I'd like to ask you how you feel

너랑 집 앞 카페

At the cafe in front of my house with me

하루종일도 난 좋은데

It's fine all day

예쁜 카페

A pretty cafe

너가 맘에 드는 커피 한잔에

Having a cup of coffee you that you like

우릴 조금 더 알아가는 건

Getting to know a little more about us

어떨까 궁금해져

I'm getting curious

집 앞 카페

At the cafe in front of my house

Girl 난 네가 했던 말 그게 왠지 신경 쓰였어

Girl, what you said bothered me for some reason

가끔은 조용한 곳에 가고 싶다 해서

Sometimes I want to go somewhere quiet

어디가 좋을지 고민했어

So I was thinking about where to go

아주 가까이에 있었네

Somewhere near close

이번 주 일만 한 너 진짜로 멋져 고생했어

You've worked really hard this week, you've done a great job

지나간 건 잊어버려 아무 생각 말고 그냥 숨만 쉬어

Forget about the past, don't think about anything, just breathe

너에게 필요해 보이는 따뜻한 공간

A warm space that looks like you need

널 위해 미리 준비된 난 너만의 시간

I made time for you

오늘은 뭐해 주말인데 쉬는 날인데

What are you doing today? It's weekend, I'm off

만약 약속 없다면 너만 좋으면

If you don't have an appointment, and if you would like it

아니면 밤에 우리 집은 어때

Or how about my house at night?

언제든 난 괜찮은데

Anytime is fine

나랑 집 앞 카페

At the cafe in front of my house with me

한적한 곳이라 딱인데

It's a quiet place

예쁜 카페

A pretty cafe

너가 좋아하는 커피 한잔에

Having a cup of coffee you that you like

마주 앉아서 얘길 나누면

We can sit face to face and talk

어떨까 묻고 싶어

I'd like to ask you how you feel

너랑 집 앞 카페

At the cafe in front of my house with me

하루종일도 난 좋은데

It's fine all day

예쁜 카페

A pretty cafe

너가 맘에 드는 커피 한잔에

Having a cup of coffee you that you like

우릴 조금 더 알아가는 건

Getting to know a little more about us

어떨까 궁금해져

I'm getting curious

집 앞 카페

At the cafe in front of my house

왠지 오늘 나

For some reason, today I

너에게 모두 말할 것 같아

I think I'm gonna tell you everything

같이 하고 싶은 게 많아

There's a lot things I want to do with you

다 너랑만

Only with you


What do you think?

나랑 집 앞 카페

At the cafe in front of my house with me

어때 넌

What do you think?


What do you think?

나랑 집 앞 카페

At the cafe in front of my house with me


What do you think?

나랑 집 앞 카페

At the cafe in front of my house with me

한적한 곳이라 딱인데

It's a quiet place

예쁜 카페

A pretty cafe

너가 좋아하는 커피 한잔에

Having a cup of coffee you that you like

마주 앉아서 얘길 나누면

We can sit face to face and talk

어떨까 묻고 싶어

I'd like to ask you how you feel

너랑 집 앞 카페

At the cafe in front of my house with me

하루종일도 난 좋은데

It's fine all day

예쁜 카페

A pretty cafe

너가 맘에 드는 커피 한잔에

Having a cup of coffee you that you like

우릴 조금 더 알아가는 건

Getting to know a little more about us

어떨까 궁금해져

I'm getting curious

집 앞 카페

At the cafe in front of my house

이따가 낮에 넌 뭐해

What are you doing later in the day?

나랑 우리 집 앞 카페

Would you like to have a cup of coffee with me,

거기서 커피 한잔할래

At the cafe in front of my house?

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