Translation of the song Attaboy artist Red Velvet
One two one two 이리 와 봐
One two one two, come here
툭 터놓고 할 얘기가
I’ll cut to the chase
있어 있어 궁금하지
I have something to tell you
심장 쿵 쾅 쿵 뛰지 않니?
Curious, right? Isn’t your heart pounding?
Oh oh oh oh 맞아 너 같은 사람
Oh oh oh oh, yes a person like you
I know your type 나도 그런 타입
I know your type, I’m that type too
예민 예민해 꽃 같은 디테일
Sensitive, with flower-like details
난 하고 싶은 것만 할래
I only wanna do what I wanna do
용기 내자 느낌대로 가도 돼
Let’s have courage, go with the flow
그 누구도 뭐라 못 해
No one can say anything
그래 그래 올라가자 높게
Yes, let’s fly high
봐 줄도 안 맞추고
Look, don’t even have to have straight lines
(Go, here we go)
(Go, here we go)
봐 우린 제멋대로
Look, we do what we want
(Go, here we go)
(Go, here we go)
봐 두 팔 가득 안고
Look, our arms are full
(Go, here we go)
(Go, here we go)
날아갈래 하늘로 높게
I wanna fly, sky high
됐지 이 다음엔 또 뭘 할까
Ok, what should we do next?
이젠 서로를 마주 볼 시간
Now let’s look at each other
우린 말 없이도 통하니까 Let’s go!
Cuz we connect even without words, let’s go
Ah-y-yah Ah-y-yah
Ah-y-yah ah-y-yah
Ah-y-yah Attaboy
Ah-y-yah attaboy
We go! 자유롭지 누가 더 멋지니?
We go, so free, who looks cooler?
Ah-y-yah Ah-y-yah
Ah-y-yah ah-y-yah
Ah-y-yah That’s ma boy
Ah-y-yah that’s my boy
힘껏 날려 그 킥 우린 거침이 없지
Fly as much as you can, that kick, no holding back
Let’s go let’s go 길은 많아
Let’s go let’s go, there are many paths
모터사이클 달려보자
Let’s drive our motorcycles
별들에게 물어보자
Let’s ask the stars
Check it out 마음 안 헷갈리게
Check it out, so our hearts won’t get confused
네가 알던 한계보다 더 멀리
Farther than any limit you know
갈 수 있지 나는 외칠 거야
I can go, I will shout out
바-발을 굴러 자 많이 왔어
Use your feet, we came so far
난 하고 싶은 것만 할래
I only wanna do what I wanna do
용기 내자 느낌대로 가도 돼
Let’s have courage, go with the flow
그 누구도 뭐라 못 해
No one can say anything
그래 그래 올라가자 높게
Yes, let’s fly high
What? 처음 느낀 기분에
What? Never felt this way before
(Go, here we go)
(Go, here we go)
What? 말도 안 나온대
What? Words aren’t even coming out
(Go, here we go)
(Go, here we go)
What? 기분 최고인데
What? I feel so good
(Go, here we go)
(Go, here we go)
날아갈래 하늘로 높게
I wanna fly, sky high
Ah-y-yah Ah-y-yah
Ah-y-yah ah-y-yah
Ah-y-yah Attaboy
Ah-y-yah attaboy
We go! 자유롭지 누가 더 멋지니?
We go, so free, who looks cooler?
Ah-y-yah Ah-y-yah
Ah-y-yah ah-y-yah
Ah-y-yah That’s ma boy
Ah-y-yah that’s my boy
힘껏 날려 그 킥 우린 거침이 없지
Fly as much as you can, that kick, no holding back
Hey boy kinda like your style
Hey boy kinda like your style
아주 잘 하고 있어
You’re doing a good job
좋은 일이 생길걸 우린 알아
We know good things are gonna happen
Boy you ready? (난 알아)
Boy you ready? (I know)
‘Cause I’m ready
‘Cause I’m ready
봐 줄도 안 맞추고
Look, don’t even have to have straight lines
봐 우린 제멋대로
Look, we do what we want
봐 두 팔 가득 안고
Look, our arms are full
(Go, here we go)
(Go, here we go)
날아갈래 하늘로 높게
I wanna fly, sky high
(Go, here we go)
(Go, here we go)
Ah-y-yah Ah-y-yah
Ah-y-yah ah-y-yah
Ah-y-yah Attaboy
Ah-y-yah attaboy
We go! 자유롭지 누가 더 멋지니?
We go, so free, who looks cooler?
Ah-y-yah Ah-y-yah
Ah-y-yah ah-y-yah
Ah-y-yah That’s ma boy
Ah-y-yah that’s my boy
힘껏 날려 그 킥 우린 거침이 없지
Fly as much as you can, that kick, no holding back