Translation of the song angel fall artist Bump of Chicken


angel fall

English translation

angel fall

消えない勇気を受け取ったよ 臆病なあなたから 確かに

The cowardly you assuredly gave me courage that won't disappear

熱で休んだ 眠りの隙間に 銀色を纏う 一羽の小鳥

I took a break because of my fever, in between sleep, I saw a little bird clad in silver

追いかけたけど 近付けないから 耳に手を当てて ただ聴いていた

I chased it, but because I couldn't go closer, I cupped my hands to my ears, and just listened to it

言葉より声を 声より唄を 唄から心を 心の言葉を

From the word's a voice, from the voice a song, from the song a soul, the words from the soul

小鳥は飛んだ 遊ぶ様に飛んだ あらゆる笑顔と 涙の上を

The little bird flew, it flew like it was playing, on top of all the smiles and tears

すっかり世界が 変わっていく様を 夢中になって ずっと見ていた

The whole time, it was looking in a daze at the completely changing world

言葉より声を 声より唄を 唄から心を 心の言葉を

Out of words a voice, out of the voice a song, out of the song a soul, the words from the soul

星より光り 光を願い 祈る様に踊る 今は無い星を

A star sent out a light, I prayed for light, dancing like in prayer, on a star that is no more

ああ どうかいかないで いつまでもなくならないでいて

Ah, please don't go, don't ever disappear

あなたがどこかで笑ったと 思うだけで宇宙が笑った

The universe smiled just by knowing that somewhere you smiled too

それから知ったよ あなたの戦い 怯えた夜でさえ 戦場にいた

It is after that I learned about your fight.

輝きに埋もれ 見えなかった傷の 意味すら誰にも 解らなかった

That even on nights you felt frightened, you had been on the battlefield

騙されて泣いた 馬鹿にされて泣いた 使われて泣いた 愛されたかった

You cried because you were tricked, you cried because you were made fun of, you cried because you were used, you wanted to be loved

栄光の中で 恥辱にまみれて 何度も壊されて 消えた小鳥の

Amidst all the glory, the little bird was smeared in disgrace, and broken many times, before disappearing

消えない勇気を受け取ったよ 救われた僕の手に 確かに

It assuredly gave me courage that won't disappear, in my hands which were saved

言葉より声を 声より唄を 唄から心を 心の言葉を

Out of the words a voice, out of the voice a song, out of the song a soul, the words from the soul

星より光り 光を願い 祈る様に踊る 今は無い星を

A star sent out a light, I prayed for light, dancing like in prayer, on a star that is no more

あなたに声を 声より唄を 唄から心を 心にあなたを

A voice to you, a song out of the voice, a heart out of the song, you inside the heart

一人減った未来を 一人多かった過去を 抱きしめた胸に 今もある星を

The future with one less person, the past with one more person, in my heart that embraced it all, a star that still exists

消えない勇気を受け取ったよ 臆病なあなたから 確かに

The cowardly you assuredly gave me courage that won't disappear

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