Translation of the song Good Friends artist Bump of Chicken
Good Friends
good friends
比較対照探しの毎日 知り合っても 知らなくても
Everyday, I look for people to compare myself to, whether I know them or not
知識 苦労 資格 今あいつは 人としてどんな具合
Knowledge, hardships, qualifications: I wonder how that person is getting along now?
心は健やかに いつでも穏やかに
May your heart always be healthy, forever healthy
何も気にしないような顔して 棚に上げたまま止めない
I make a face like I don't care about anything, and shut my eyes on my own faults and don't stop
きっとさ 仲良く出来ると思うんだ
I'm sure we could get along well
どれほど違っても これほど似ているから
Because no matter how much we're different, we're so much alike
好きになれないものを見つけたら わざわざ嫌わなくていい
If you find things you can't bring yourself to like, you don't have to go out of your way to hate them
そんなもののために時間割かず そっと離れればいい
You shouldn't waste your time for those things, and should just get away slowly
大人なら触らずに いたずらに傷付けずに
An adult shouldn't be too blunt, and vainly hurt others
だけど自分が無いから 誰かが気になっちゃって仕方ない
But because I don't have a myself, I can't help wondering about the others
きっとさ 仲良く出来ると思うんだ
I'm sure we could get along well
見下して笑うのは 笑われた気がするから
If we look down and make fun of each other, that's because we feel like someone else made fun of us
心は健やかに 適当に穏やかに
May your heart always be healthy, suitably healthy
全部諦めた様なふりして 試みてもいないのに
I pretend to have given up on everything, when I haven't even tried doing anything yet
きっとさ 仲良く出来ると思うんだ
I'm sure we could get along well
見下し続けるのは どうにも似たくないから
If we keep looking down on each other, that's because we don't want to resemble the other
その気があるとか ないとかの話じゃない
It's not a question of wanting to or not
きっとさ 仲良く出来ると思うんだ
I'm sure we could get along well
Yet we don't