Translation of the song Merry Christmas artist Bump of Chicken
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas
嬉しそうな並木道を どこへ向かうの
Where am I heading to on this happy avenue?
すれ違う人は皆 知らない顔で
All the people I pass by are strangers
街はまるでおもちゃ箱 手品みたいに
The town is like a toy box, glittering and shining
騙すように隠すように キラキラ光る
Deceiving and concealing, like a magic trick
バスの向こう側で 祈りの歌声
Singing voices in prayer can be heard, on the opposite side of the bus
今夜こそ優しくなれないかな 全て受け止めて笑えないかな
If only I could become kind tonight
大声で泣き出した 毛糸の帽子
A boy wearing a wool cap burst loudly into tears
空に浮かぶ星を取って 飾りたいと言う
He says he wants to grab the stars floating in the sky and decorate a tree with them
待ちぼうけ 腕時計 赤いほっぺた
I wait in vain, looking at my wristwatch, with red cheeks
白い息で冷えた手を 暖めながら
While warming my chilly hands with my white breath
ずっと周り続ける 気象衛星
A weather satellite keeps on rotating
誰かに優しく出来ないかな 全て受け止めて笑えないかな
If only I could be kind to someone
いつもより ひとりが寂しいのは
The reason why I feel lonelier on this day
いつもより 幸せになりたいから
Is because I want to be happier than the rest of the year
Because I end up comparing
肩ぶつけて 頭下げて 睨まれた人
Shoulders collided, a head was lowered in apology, a person was glared at
嘘つきが抱きしめた 大切な人
A beloved person who was hugged tightly by a liar
街はまるでおもちゃ箱 あなたも僕も
The town is like a toy box, glittering and shining
誰だろうと飲み込んで キラキラ光る
It swallows everyone, even you and me
許せずにいる事 解らない事 認めたくない事 話せない事
These things I'm not able to forgive, to understand
今夜こそ優しくなれないかな 全て受け止めて笑えないかな
If only I could become kind tonight
僕にも優しく出来ないかな あなたと楽しく笑えないかな
React to everything and laugh
Laugh with you
信号待ち 流れ星に驚く声
People waiting at the traffic light let out surprised voices upon seeing a shooting star
いつも通り見逃した どうしていつも
I overlooked it like on other days, why does this always happen?
だけど今日はそれでも 嬉しかったよ
But even so, today, I felt happy
誰かが見たのなら 素敵な事だ
As long as someone saw it, it's great
そんな風に思えたと 伝えたくなる
I now want to tell that I came to feel this way
誰かにあなたに 伝えたくなる
I want to tell someone, you
優しくされたくて 見て欲しくて
I want people to be nice to me, to look at me
すれ違う人は皆 知らない顔で
All the people I pass by are strangers
La La La
知らない顔で 同じラララ
Strangers who sing the same La La La
しまう電話の向こう 同じラララ
At the other end of a phone call that was cut, echoes the same La La La
そうだといいね そんなこともないかな
It would be nice if that happened, but maybe it won't
イヤホンの向こう 同じラララ
At the other end of the earphones, echoes the same La La La
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas