Translation of the song Pinkie artist Bump of Chicken



English translation


未来の私が笑ってなくても あなたとの今を覚えてて欲しい

I want you to remember this present with me, even if I'm not smiling in the future

心の始まりは強すぎて 言葉じゃ間に合わなくて

When my heart first beat, it was so strong that words were lacking

足りないからどんどん足すから 弱くなって終わりにした

So I added many more of then, which weakened it, so I put an end to it

繰り返す事を疑わずに 無くす事を恐れずに

In order not to have to doubt routine, and be afraid of loss

自分のじゃない物語の はじっこに隠れて笑った

I hid in the corner of a story that wasn't mine

そうしなきゃどうにも 息が出来なかった

That was the only way I knew to keep breathing

たいして好きでもない でも繋いだ毎日

I kept myself alive, even though I didn't like life that much

あなたのためとは 言えないけど

I can't say it's for your sake

あなた一人が聴いてくれたら もうそれでいい

But as long as you listen to me, that's enough for me

約束は誰かと作るもので 誰かが頑張り屋で

Promises are made with someone, someone who tries hard

追い付けなくて離れて 自分だけがまだ持ってる

Not being able to catch up, I was distanced and I'm still holding onto it alone

明日に望まなくなったのは 今日がその答えだから

If I stopped wishing on tomorrow, that's because today is the answer

諦めて全部受け入れて でもはじっこに隠して持ってる

I gave up and accepted everything, but I'm hidden in a corner, still holding onto it

滲んでも消えない ひとり見た桜

The cherry trees I saw alone don't disappear even if they blur

眠りの入り口で 手を繋いで見てる

I watch them from slumber's entrance, holding your hand

変われなくて いつも戸惑うけど

I'm always at a loss because I can't change

誰か一人が認めてくれたら もうそれでいい

But as long as someone accepts me, that's enough for me

過去からの声は何も知らないから 勝手な事ばかり それは解ってる

I'm aware that because I don't know any voices from the past at all, I always act selfishly

未来の私が笑ってなくても あなたとの今を覚えてて欲しい

I want you to remember this present with me, even if I don't smile in the future

心の始まりは脆すぎて 言葉には嫌われて

When my heart first beat, it was so brittle that words hated it

何をどうしたって手遅れで 砕け散って終わりにした

It was too late to do anything, so I shattered it to put an end to it

終わりにしたら始まって 言葉も心も超えて

When I put an end to it, it started beating, and my heartbeats transcended words and my heart

ささやかな響きになって さよならの向こうへ

To become a modest whisper, which went to the other side of this parting

変われなくて いつも戸惑うけど

I'm always at a loss because I can't change

誰か一人が笑ってくれたら 僕はこれがいい

But as long as someone smiles, that's enough for me

あなたのためとは 言えないけど

I can't say it's for your sake

あなた一人が聴いてくれたら もうそれでいい

But as long as you listen to me, that's enough for me

未来のあなたが笑ってないなら 歌いかける今に 気付いて欲しい

If the future you doesn't smile, then I want you to notice this present where I'm singing for you

未来の私を思い出せたら あなたとの今を忘れなくていい

If I manage to remember the future me, I won't have to forget this present with you

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