Translation of the song Spica artist Bump of Chicken



English translation


名前ひとつ 胸の奥に 鞄とは別に持ってきたよ

A single name inside my chest, I carry something different in my bag.

声に出せば鳥になって 君へと向かう名前ひとつ

If you let this voice go, it will become a bird. There's a single name heading out to meet you.

伝えたい事 言えないまま 消えたらと思うと怖くなって

I still don't say some things. When I think about you disappearing, it makes me afraid.

出来るだけ頑張るけど どうしていつまでも下手なんだろう

I'll do my best only on the things I can. Why do I always do it wrong?

雨が降っても それが止んでも 君を最初に思い出すよ

The rain is coming, I dislike that but, I'll first think of you.

手をとった時 その繋ぎ目が 僕の世界の真ん中になった

When we held hands, our eyes connected becoming the centre of my world.

あぁ だから生きてきたのかって 思えるほどの事だった

A~ah, that's why I'm able to live until now. That's what I think about the most now.

どこからだって 帰ってこられる

Wherever it is, we can go back and come there.

涙には意味があっても 言葉に直せない場合も多くて

Even if those tears have a meaning to them, and cases of uncurable through words is many,

こぼれたら受け止めるよ そうすれば何故か ちゃんと分かるから

I'll accept it even if broken down. If I do so, I'll get to understand it for some reason.

思い出が 音が 光が 命のいたずらに奪われても

Even if memories are, sounds are, lights are stolen by the trickeries of life,

名前ひとつ 胸の奥に 君へと向かう名前ひとつ

There's a single name inside my chest, there's a single name heading out to meet you.

約束が生まれた時の 笑った顔が嬉しかったよ

I was happy about that laughing face, at the time the promise was born.

終わりのない闇に飲まれたって 信じてくれるから立っていられる

Drowning into a never-ending darkness, you're believing in my body that is present.

描いた未来と どれほど違おうと 間違いじゃない 今 君がいる

A sketched future and in how far it might differ, It's no fault, right now, you are here.

どんなドアも せーので開ける

Whatever door might come onto my path, with a heave-ho I'll open it up

手をとった時 その繋ぎ目が 僕の世界の真ん中になった

When we held hands, our eyes connected becoming the centre of my world.

あぁ だから生きてきたのかって 思えるほどの事だった

A~ah, that's why I'm able to live until now. That's what I think about the most now.

汚れても 醜く見えても 卑怯でも 強く抱きしめるよ

Even though dirty, even though ugly looking, even though cowardly I will hug you tightly

手をとった時 その繋ぎ目が 僕の世界の真ん中になった

When we held hands, our eyes connected becoming the centre of my world.

どこからだって 帰ってこられる

Wherever it is, we can go back and come there.


I'm leaving.

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