Translation of the song なないろ (Nanairo) artist Bump of Chicken
なないろ (Nanairo)
Seven Colours
闇雲にでも信じたよ きちんと前に進んでいるって
even blinded by the dark clouds, i believed that i was moving on,
よく晴れた朝には時々 一人ぼっちにされちゃうから
because sometimes even on the brightest mornings, i'm all by myself
i'm as right as rain.
今この景色の全てが 笑ってくれるわけじゃないけど
not everything is smiling at me where i am right now,
それでもいい これは僕の旅
but that's alright. this is my journey.
昨夜の雨の事なんか 覚えていないようなお日様を
the sun that doesn't seem to remember last night's rain
昨夜出来た水たまりが 映して キラキラ キラキラ
is reflecting off last night's puddles; they shine, and shine
and they're breathing
高く遠く広すぎる空の下 おはよう 僕は昨日からやってきたよ
under the too high, wide sky: good morning! i've come over from yesterday!
失くせない記憶は傘のように 鞄の中で出番を待つ
the memories i can't lose are like umbrellas; waiting for their turn in my bag
手探りで今日を歩く今日の僕が あの日見た虹を探すこの道を
today's me is fumbling through today, as i walk this path, looking to find that rainbow i saw
疑ってしまう時は 教えるよ
when i doubt where i'm going, i'll tell myself
about the colour of my soul that day.
胸の奥 君がいる場所 ここでしか会えない瞳
at the bottom of my heart, where you live, are your eyes that i can only meet here
ずっと変わらないままだから ほっとしたり たまに目を逸らしたり
they've never changed from how i remember you, so reassuring
思い出すと寂しいけど 思い出せないと寂しい事
i miss you when i remember you, but i miss you when i don't too
忘れない事しか出来ない 夜を越えて 続く僕の旅
i can only achieve the things i can't forget
治らない古い傷は 無かったかのように隠す お日様が
the sun hides the old open wounds like they never existed
昼間の星と同じだね 本当は キラキラ キラキラ
just like stars in the daytime, right? they shine, and shine
throughout this town
歯磨きして顔洗って着替えたら いつもと同じ足で出かけようぜ
brush your teeth, wash your face, change your clothes,
相変わらずの猫背でもいいよ 僕が僕を笑えるから
and then we'll go out on these same old legs
涙の砂 散らばる銀河の中 疲れた靴でどこまでだっていける
the sands of tears are scattered through the galaxies
躓いて転んだ時は 教えるよ
and i can go anywhere with these worn-out shoes
when i trip and fall, i'll tell myself
乾いて消える水たまりが それでも キラキラ キラキラ
the puddles that have dried up and disappeared still shine
they shine, swaying in the blue
高く遠く広すぎる空の下 おはよう 僕は昨日からやってきたよ
under the too high, wide sky: good morning! i've come over from yesterday!
失くせない記憶も傘のように 鞄の中で明日へ向かう
the memories i can't lose are like umbrellas, and we're heading for tomorrow
手探りで今日を歩く今日の僕が あの日見た虹を探す今日の僕を
today's me is fumbling through today, as i walk this path, looking to find that rainbow i saw.
疑ってしまう時は 教えるよ あの時の心の色
when i doubt myself, i'll tell me
いつか また会うよ 戻れないあの日の 七色
and someday, we'll meet again, the seven colours from that day i can't return to