Translation of the song イノセント artist Bump of Chicken
子供じみていて恥ずかしいよと 馬鹿にしたけど
I made fun of you, because I considered you embarrassingly childish
恐らく自分より 素直で勇敢なだけ
But you're probably just franker and braver than I am
努力はおろか行動さえ 起こせないのに
I can't endeavor anything, let alone move into action
周りの奴等は 狡いと決めて
Yet, I affirm the ones around me are cunning
恵まれなかったから 才能とチャンス それさえあったら
I wasn't blessed, if only I had had the talent and the occasion
自分が置いていかれたら 逆恨みして
When they left me left behind, I started resenting them
あいつは変わったと 欲に目が眩んだと
And thinking that they had changed or had become blinded by avarice
一人で生きていくもんだと 悟った顔
My face has understood I must live alone
一人でも平気な 世界しか知らない
I only know the world where I can be fine even alone
頼まれたわけじゃないのに 生活は全部 そんな感じで
Nobody has asked me anything, yet everything in my life is like that
誰の声か どうでもいい 言葉と音符があるだけ
I don't care whose voice it is, there are only words and musical notes
By your side
語彙が豊富です 造詣が深いです 機械の力です
My vocabulary is very large, I'm very knowledgeable, this is all thanks to technology
水掛け論が得意です あまりよくないあたま
I'm good at pointless arguments, I'm not that intelligent
芸術に関しては 見る目がある気がする
I think I have a discerning eye for art
あれは駄目であれは良い 趣味のお話
Deciding whether a piece is good or bad is a matter of taste
本当はもう解っている 猫に小判なんだって事ぐらい
But in reality, I already knew, that I'm a waste of resources
君がどんな人でもいい 感情と心臓があるなら
I don't care what kind of person you are, as long as you have feelings and a heart
君の力になれるように 気付かれなくとも
So that this song may help you, even if you don't notice it
I will leave it by your side
信じなくていい 手は挙げなくていい
It's fine if you don't want to believe, if you don't want to hold my hand
認めなくていい 全て君が正しい
It's fine if you don't want to recognize me, everything you said is the truth
地球は綺麗事 君も僕も誰でも何でも
On earth everyone says lip service, even you, myself and anyone, about anything
君の嫌いな ただのとても 綺麗な事
The lip service you hate
恵まれていたとしても 才能とチャンス 活かせただろうか
Even if I had been blessed, would I have been able to make use of this talent and that occasion?
自分を嫌えば許される それは間違い
Thinking that hating yourself will make people forgive you is a mistake
自意識が過剰 そもそも嫌えていない
I'm overly self-conscious, I don't even hate myself in the first place
誰の声か どうでもいい 言葉と音符があるだけ
I don't care whose voice it is, there are only words and musical notes
ただ力になれるように 愛されなくとも
So that I may just help you, I will stay by your side
Even if you don't love me
君がどんな人でもいい 感情と心臓があるなら
I don't care what kind of person you are, as long as you have feelings and a heart
いつか力になれるように 万全を期して
To make doubly sure this song will help you someday, I'll leave it
By your side
By your side