Translation of the song キャラバン artist Bump of Chicken
随分先に行ってしまった 光の下のキャラバン
The caravan under the light has gone on pretty far along of us
トンネルに残響 塞いだ耳 自分嫌いな自分が好き
Echoes in a tunnel, plugged up ears, I like that myself that hates myself
知らない顔で 知っている事 悟られないためのお勉強
I'm learning how to pretend to feign ignorance, so that people don't realize that I know these things
綺麗な言葉を 信じない様にして
It's quite normal to decide not to believe witewashed things
満たされるのは とても普通の事
In order to feel statisfied
叫びは不要 ただ言えば良い 面倒臭がる君が面倒
No need to yell, you should just say it, you are such a bother because you are too lazy
知っている様で 知らない事 知識だけで知恵が無い事
You seem to know things but don't, you're full of knowledge but you have no wisdom
感動にシビアな訳じゃない 感情に脂肪が付いただけ
It's not that I'm heartless, it's just that fat has accumulated on my feelings
食べてきたご馳走は 全て用意された物
All the delicious things I ate were prepared by someone else
その程度だ 僕らなんてお互いに
That's all we are, both of us
跳ねてみても 高が知れた生き物
Even if we try to jump, we're living beings who don't amount to much
無関心アピール さぁ頑張れ 汗拭く時は物影で
I feign apathy as I tell you to do your best, when you sweat, do it in the shade
聞こえなくて良い 聞こえたって良い 君が嫌いな君が嫌い
You don't have to hear it, it's alright if you hear it, I hate that yourself that hates yourself
中身空っぽでも 誤魔化せるもんだね
You can still deceive people, even if you're empty inside
誤魔化す相手も 大概似た様なもの
But the people you deceive are in general similar to you
その程度だ 僕らなんてお互いに
That's all we are, both of us
馬鹿にし合っても 勝者不在の観客
We make fun of each other, but we're both spectators of a game with no winner
随分先に行ってしまった 光の下のキャラバン
The caravan under the light has gone on pretty far along of us
追い掛ければ まだ追い付けるけれど
If I chased after it, I could still catch up with it
思い出せるか 開いた距離の埋め方
But can I remember how to cover the distance that widened?
その程度だ 僕らなんてお互いに
That's all we are, both of us
嫌いはしても 嫌われたくない生き物
Even if we hate each other, we're living beings who don't want to be hated
動かない足 注意した耳
Legs that don't move, pricked ears
Echoes in the tunnel