Translation of the song バイバイ、サンキュー artist Bump of Chicken
Bye Bye, Thank You
明日はとうとう 出発する日だ
Tomorrow is the day I finally leave
最後の夜なのに する事がなくて
It's the last night, yet I don't have anything to do
I listened to a radio with bad reception
And whistled out of tune
I packed a coat in my luggage
切符も財布に入れた ついでにあのコの写真も
Put in my ticket in my wallet, and while I was at it, put a picture of her in
I will go see everyone today
From now on, we won't even be able to fight for a while
明日の朝 発って 丸一日かけて
Tomorrow morning, I will depart and travel for a full day
to reach the town I saw in my dreams
こんなにステキな事 他にはない だけど
There aren't better things than that,
ひとりぼっち みんないなくて
But I will be alone, without my friends
元気にやって いけるかな
I wonder if I will be able to stay cheerful
僕の場所は どこなんだ
Where is the place for me?
遠くに行ったって 見つかるとは限んない
I might not find it even if I go far away
Because I can't smile well enough
うつむいて こっそり何度も呟いてみる
I look downward and secretly whisper several times
I'm not scared of being alone...
手紙を書くよ 着いたらすぐに
I will write you a letter as soon as I arrive
ガラじゃないけど 青い便箋で
on blue writing paper that doesn't suit me
ピンボケでよけりゃ 写真も添えて
And if an unfocused picture doesn't bother you, I will add one to the letter
何より先に 手紙を書くよ
The first thing I will do is write you a letter
明日はとうとう 出発する日だ
Tomorrow is the day I finally leave
バイバイとか サンキューとか簡単だけど
It's easy to say bye bye or thank you
明日はいつも 出発する日だ
But tomorrow is always the day I leave
怖がってなんか いないよ
I'm not scared
I will bring the song I made yesterday night
to the town I saw in my dreams
こんなにステキな事 他にはない だから
There aren't better things than that
ひとりぼっち 空の下で
So I will sing that song well
all alone under that sky
My place is here
遠くに行ったって 僕の場所は 変わんない
It won't change even if I go far away
これから先 ひとりきりでも
Even though I will be alone from now on,
たぶん 大丈夫 みんなが ココで見守っている
I think I'll probably be alright, everyone is watching over me from here
My place is here
おじいさんになったって 僕の場所は変わんない
It won't change even if I become an old man
これから先 ひとりきりでも
Even though I will be alone from now on,
-うん、大丈夫! みんなは ここで見守っていて
I will be alright! Everyone, watch over me from here,
watch over me
I'm not scared of being alone...