Translation of the song リトルブレイバー artist Bump of Chicken
Little Braver
For example, if you were to think fondly of these flowers swaying in the shade
And worry about how to get them under the sun, you will become a little stronger
For example, even if no words came out of you as you saw a loved one cry
You could stop their tears if you were to let them hear your best song
そのポケットのスミを探すのさ きっと勇気のカケラが出てくるだろう
Look in the nooks of your pockets, you will find fragments of hope
自信を持っていいハズさ 僕ら時には勇者にでもなれるんだ
You can be confident, we can all become heroes at times
守るべきものがあれば リトルブレイバー
Having something you must protect makes you a little braver
守るべきヒトがいれば リトルブレイバー
Having someone you must protect makes you a little braver
I'll find a way to let you hear my best song under this sun
だからもう泣かないで 僕が守るから
So don't cry anymore, I will protect you
I'm sure we all have important things
We all have our important things, more or less
We're always living for an important thing
We laugh about one thing, get upset about another thing, and cry sometimes
そして守るべき時が来たなら ほうら勇気のカケラも大きくなり
And when the time to protect comes, look, the fragments of hopes become bigger
ゆるぎないPRIDEになるんだ するとどうだろう何も怖くないんだ
They will become a firm pride, hereupon you won't be scared of anything
守るべきヒトがくれる リトルブレイバー
That someone you must protect makes you a little braver
守るべきものを誇る リトルブレイバー
Feeling proud of that thing you must protect makes you a little braver
ねえ単純に気高き夢のタメ 愛するヒトのタメ
Tell me, for that noble dream and that person you love
Is there one thing you couldn't do?
もうポケットはすでにいっぱいだ そいつを誇り信じれるだろう?
Your pockets are already full. I know you can believe in that and be proud
大事なコトもわかるだろう? 時には勇者にでもなれるんだ
You know what is important now, you can become a hero at times
守るべきものがあれば リトルブレイバー
Having something you must protect makes you a little braver
守るべきヒトがいれば リトルブレイバー
Having someone you must protect makes you a little braver
僕にとって唄う事が ブレイバー
As for me, singing is what makes me braver
全身全霊のチカラを リトルブレイバー
With all my energy, little braver
単純に気高き夢のタメ 愛するヒトのタメ
For that noble dream and that person you love,
できないコトなんて やれないコトなんて
the things you couldn't do, the things you wouldn't do,
そんな弱さなんて 哀しいもんだろう…
Such weakness is really sad...