Translation of the song リボン artist Bump of Chicken
嵐の中を ここまで来たんだ
We've arrived here in the storm,
嵐の中を ここまで来たんだ
We've arrived here in the storm,
出会って生まれた光 追いかけて
Chasing the light born from our first encounter.
ポケットに勇気が ガラス玉ひとつ分
I've got a glass bead's worth of courage in my pocket
それぞれ持っている ガラス玉ひとつ分
Each one of us carry one glass bead.
並べても同じ数 あの日から
Even if we lined them up, we'd just have one. Ever since that day,
Ever since the beginning
つぎはぎの傘 汚れたカンテラ
A patched-up umbrella, and a dirtied candle.
手作りの地図 大事に一緒に 使った
A handmade map. Carefully, we used them all together.
Where are we now?
Where do we go?
誰一人 わかっていないけど
No one knows, but
側にいる事を選んで 今側にいるから
We choose to stay together. Because I'm by your side now,
We're not lost
We laughed lots.
More so than the little time we spent
Crying, and being angry - all of it
音符になって繋がって 僕らを結んだ
Becomes musical notes, and ties us together.
ポケットに恐怖が 宇宙と同じくらい
I've got about one universe's worth of fear in my pocket
それぞれ持っている 宇宙と同じくらい
Each of us carry that same fear.
同じ時に震えたら 強くなれた
By trembling at the same time, we became stronger,
and we became weaker.
指差したUFO すれ違った野良猫
We pointed to a UFO, and passed a stray cat.
We yawned in unison.
あと何があった 教えて
What else was there? Tell me.
We can resist our stubbornness and embarrassment,
and face it head on with the fronts of our hearts!
It's not that we can't undo the ribbon binding us,
解けないわけじゃない 結んできたんだ
But that we're tying it tighter
君の勇気を 僕が見れば 星だ
Your courage is like a star to me
I want it to stay that way, even if placed with the other
あぁ ここはどこなんだろうね
Ah, where are we now?
どこに行くんだろうね 迷子じゃないんだ
Where do we go? We're not lost
嵐の中を ここまで来たんだ
We've arrived here in the storm,
嵐の中を ここまで来たんだ
We've arrived here in the storm,
On the count of three, we'll read each other's breaths
All of the times we cry, get angry, and laugh.
嵐の中を ここまで来たんだ
We've arrived here in the storm,
出会って生まれた光 追いかけて
Chasing the light born from our first encounter.
嵐の中を どこまでも行くんだ
We've arrived here in the storm,
Aligning as red stars, we'll go anywhere