Translation of the song 宝石になった日 artist Bump of Chicken



English translation

Those Days Became Jewels


The song of an evening shower hitting the roof


Washed away the world outside my window.


There is nothing in the palm of my hand,


But I'm somehow looking anyway.


The lightning strike when you


Tore open the night sky illuminated me,


And you vanished in the flash


Of its too powerful radiance.


I wonder how long it will be until I return to normal.


I'm being carried by the sound of the ticking clock.

あの温もりが 何度も聴いた声が 

That warmth, the voice I heard many times,

君がいた事が 宝石になった日

Those days when you were here became jewels.

忘れたように 笑っていても 

Even if I'm laughing so that I could forget,

涙越えても ずっと夢に見る

Even if I exceed the tears, I'll always be dreaming.


The sun brings a perfect morning


To your face which knows nothing.


Hidden by my hunched back,

冴えない顔 余計なお世話

My unclear face isn't your concern.


There isn't much I can do,


But that's hardly a reason.


The fully-automatic days continue onward,


But I somehow don't stop.


I'll see it through till the future ahead, as much as I can.


I'll carry it on ahead, as much as I can.

こんなに寂しいから 大丈夫だと思う

Because I'm so lonely, I think I'm okay.

時間に負けない 寂しさがあるから

I won't lose to time, because there is loneliness.

振り返らないから 見ていてほしい 

Because you won't look back, I want you to look,

強くはないけど 弱くもないから

Because though I'm not strong, I'm not weak, either.

瞬きの中 消えた稲妻 

The lightning disappeared in a flash,

雨が流した 君の足跡

As the rain washed away your footprints.

瞬きの中 掌の下 

In the palm of my hand, in a flash,

言葉の隙間 残る君の足跡

Your footprints were left in the gaps between words.

増えていく 君の知らない世界 

Your unknown world is expanding.

増えていく 君を知らない世界

My world that doesn't know you is expanding.

君の知っている僕は 会いたいよ

You know me, I want to see you.

ひとりじゃないとか 思えない日もある

There are days when I can't think I'm not alone,

やっぱり大きな 寂しさがあるから

Because there is a huge loneliness.

応えがなくても 名前を呼ぶよ 

I call out your name, even if there's no reply,

空気を撫でたよ 君の形に

And your form brushed the air.

あの温もりが 何度も聴いた声が 

That warmth, the voice I heard many times,

君がいた事が 宝石になった日

Those days became jewels when you were here.

忘れないから 笑っていける 

I can keep laughing, because I won't forget.

涙越えても ずっと君といる

Even if I exceed the tears, I'll always be with you.

君がいた事が 宝石になった日

Those days when you were here became jewels.

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