Translation of the song 流れ星の正体 artist Bump of Chicken



English translation

A Shooting Star's True Form

誰かの胸の夜の空に 伝えたい気持ちが生まれたら

If a feeling wanted to be conveyed to someone's night sky heart is born

生まれた証の尾を引いて 伝えたい誰かの空へ向かう

Pull the tail of the proof of birth and it heads to the sky of that someone's heart

いつも迷路 終わらないパレード 止まったら溺れる

Always a maze, an unending ballad, if stopping will drown

ゴールなんてわからないままで いつまで どこまで

Always going somewhere without knowing the goal

時間と距離を飛び越えて 君のその手からここまで来た

Crossing time and space, I've come this far because of your hand(s)

紙に書かれた文字の言葉は 音を立てないで響く声

The letters of words written on the paper are voices echoing without a sound

そうやって呼んでくれただろう 見上げればちゃんと聴こえたよ

You called me that way, right? If I looked up I could hear you clearly

僕の上にも届いたように 君の空まで届いてほしい

Like how it reached above me too, I want it to reach your sky


I want it to shine so at least you can see as much as you can


All of us know a shooting star's true form

足元をよく見て階段一つずつ どれくらいざわついていても ひとり

Closely watching each foot step, each stair; no matter how excited, I'm alone

肩を擦るように避けながら 世界に何億人いようとも ひとり

While avoiding rubbing shoulders, there's millions of people in the world yet I'm alone

今日は何もない一日と言えば そこまでの毎日

If I say today is a day with nothing, well, that's been every day to now

増え続けて溢れそうな唄の欠片たちが 早く会いたがって騒ぐんだ

Ever increasing and overflowing fragments of song are clamoring to meet soon

変わらないで変われなくて ずっと それでも続いている

Unchanging and unable to change, forever continuing

ゴールなんて決められないだけで なんなら今でも

It's just that I can't decide on my goal(s), even now

君が未来に零す涙が 地球に吸い込まれて消える前に

Before your future tears are sucked into the earth and disappear

ひとりにせずに掬えるように 旅立った唄 間に合うように

To save you from always being alone, the departed song will arrive

命の数と同じ量の一秒 君はどこにいる 聴こえるかい

The second of time that is the same amount of life, where are you? Can you hear me?

君の空まで全ての力で 旅立った唄に気付いてほしい

To your sky, with all my strength, I wish for you to notice the departed song


No matter the thing, no matter the passion, it will be changed around in the city


All of us know a shooting star's true form

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