Translation of the song 真っ赤な空を見ただろうか artist Bump of Chicken



English translation

Did you see the red sky?

溜め息の訳を聞いてみても 自分のじゃないから解らない

Even though I try to ask for the reasons behind these sighs, I don't understand because they're not mine

だからせめて知りたがる 解らないくせに聞きたがる

That is why I want to at least know, I don't understand yet I am inquisitive

あいつの痛みはあいつのもの 分けて貰う手段が解らない

That person's pain is that person's pain only, I don't know how to take some of it

だけど 力になりたがるこいつの痛みも こいつのもの

But I want to help them, this person's pain too is only that person's

ふたりがひとつだったなら 同じ鞄を背負えただろう

If two were one, they could have carried the same bag

ふたりがひとつだったなら 別れの日など来ないだろう

If two were one, they would never have parted

言葉ばかり必死になって やっと幾つか覚えたのに

I tried frantically to speak, and finally learned a few words

ただ一度の微笑みが あんなに上手に喋るとは

But I had no idea a single smile could be so eloquent

いろんな世界を覗く度に いろんな事が恥ずかしくなった

Every time I peek into a lot of worlds, I feel ashamed about a lot of things

子供のままじゃ みっともないからと爪先で立つ 本当のガキだ

I stand up on my tiptoes because I think it's uncool to stay a kid, but that's what makes me a real brat

夕焼け空 きれいだと思う心を どうか殺さないで

Please don't kill your heart that thinks a sunset is beautiful

そんな心 馬鹿正直に 話すことを馬鹿にしないで

Don't make fun of a heart that talks naively and honestly

ひとりがふたつだったから 見られる怖さが生まれたよ

Because one was two, the fear of being watched was born

ひとりがふたつだったから 見つめる強さも生まれるよ

Because one was two, the power of a gaze was born too

理屈ばかり こねまわして すっかり冷めた胸の奥が

My heart was completely cold and entangled in logic

ただ一度の微笑みで こんなに見事に燃えるとは

But I had no idea a single smile could make it burn so admirably

ふたりがひとつだったなら 出会う日など来なかっただろう

If two were one, the day of meeting would never have come

大切な人に唄いたい 聴こえているのかも解らない

I want to sing for the people dear to my heart, I don't even know if they can hear me

だからせめて続けたい 続ける意味さえ解らない

That's why I want to at least continue, I don't even know what I should continue

一人で見た 真っ赤な空 君もどこかで見ただろうか

That bright red sky I watched all alone, I wonder if you watched it too from wherever you are

僕の好きな微笑みを 重ねて浮かべた夕焼け空

The night sky I gazed at as I imagined your smile that I love so much

ただ一度の微笑みに こんなに勇気を貰うとは

I had no idea a single smile could give so much courage


That my voice could shiver that much

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