Translation of the song 話がしたいよ artist Bump of Chicken
I Want to Talk to You
持て余した手を 自分ごとポケットに隠した
I hid the hands I didn't know what to do with into my pockets
バスが来るまでの間の おまけみたいな時間
The time is like a bonus until the bus comes
街が立てる生活の音に 一人にされた
The sounds of the city leave me all on my own
ガムと二人になろう 君の苦手だった味
Let's become a pair with gum, that flavor you didn't like
だめだよ、と いいよ、とを 往復する信号機
The traffic light that goes back and forth between no good and okay
止まったり動いたり 同じようにしていても他人同士
Stopping and going, but even if we're doing the same things we're still strangers
Are you doing well, I wonder
At this moment, what kind of face are you making?
What kind and how many words have you found?
ああ 君がここにいたら 君がここにいたら
Ah, if you were here, if you were here
I want to talk to you
Even now, Voyager has flown out of the solar system
秒速10何キロだっけ ずっと旅を続けている
How many tens of kilometers per second, it's still continuing its trip
それの何がどうだというのか わからないけど急に
I don't know what it is, but suddenly
自分の呼吸の音に 耳澄まして確かめた
I listened closely to my own breathing to make certain
体と心のどっちに ここまで連れて来られたんだろう
In either body or mind, I wonder, was I brought along here
Both are tired, but
平気さ お薬貰ったし
It's all right, I have medicine
I won't drink it though
Both of us cannot return, no matter what
Then, thinking about this kind of thing together is good
肌を撫でた今の風が 底の抜けた空が
The wind on my skin, the bottomless sky
Resembles that day
We're living and forgetting with no way to resist it
Hey, what kind of words did we find?
鼻で愛想笑い 綺麗事 夏の終わる匂い
Forcing smiles, glossing over things, the scent of summer's end
I can still remember it
I want to talk to you
今までのなんだかんだとか これからがどうとか
All that has been and all that will be from now
心からどうでもいいんだ そんな事は
Anything from the heart is fine, such a thing...
いや どうでもってそりゃ言い過ぎかも いや 言い過ぎだけど
No, anything like that is probably saying too much - no, it's saying too much, but
そう言ってやりたいんだ 大丈夫 分かっている
I want to try saying that... It's fine. I understand.
ガムを紙にぺってして バスが止まりドアが開く
I put the gum on the paper as the bus stops and opens its doors.