Have a skin that can withstand the rays of the sun.
Have hairs that can mingle with the sea breeze.
どこまでも泳げる力と いつまでも唄える心と
Have strength to swim endlessly
魚に触れる様な しなやかな指を持ちなさい
Have a heart that can sing forever
海へ来なさい 海へ来なさい
Have flexible fingers that can touch a fish.
そして心から 幸福になりなさい
Come to the beach, come to the beach
Have legs that can walk against the wind.
Have ears that can hear the seashells.
暗闇をさえぎるまぶたと 星屑を数える瞳と
Have eyelids that can block the darkness.
涙をぬぐえる様な しなやかな指を持ちなさい
Have eyes that can count stardusts.
海へ来なさい 海へ来なさい
Have soft fingers that can wipe off the tears.
そして心から 幸福になりなさい
Come to the beach, come to the beach