Translation of the song أحلام بريئة artist Angham
أحلام بريئة
Innocent Dreams
لسه فاكرة ايام الطفولة
I still remember the days of childhood
كان في سنة تانية
He was in grade 2
وانا في سنة اولى
and I was in grade 1
ايام عمري ما هنساها بسهولة
Days that I will never forget so easily
ولا يمكن هنسى الضحكة دي
nor can I forget this smile1
و كلام عينيه كان بيناديني
and the words of his eyes were calling me
و اجري عليه واحضن ايديه
and I ran to him and hugged his hand
بنينا قصور على الرملة
We built palaces in the sand
عملنا في بعض 100 عملة
we pranked each other a 100 times
وكنت بجد مش عاملة حساب يوم للسنين
And I really was not prepared for the years
وفي يوم وليلة
And in a day and a night
غابت عينيه
His eyes went absent
و بكيت عليه
And I cried for him
ايام عدى علها سنين طويلة
Days that were long years ago
سايبة فيا ذكريات جميلة
I left in them sweet memories
نرجع تاني حاجة مستحيلة
Going back is an impossible thing
دي حكاية قديمة
This is an old story
بس الأكيد بشتاق اليه
but surely I miss him
وبحلم اشوفه لو مرة يوم
And I dream of seeing him even once one day
و يروح بعيد
and then he goes away
ولو بالصدفة يوم شافني
And if he saw me by chance one day
أكيد قلبه هيعرفني
Surely his heart will know me
و من الدنيا هيخطفني بعنيه
and he will steal me from the world with his eyes
و هحس بيه
and I will feel him
أحلام بريئة
Innocent dreams
وخيال جميل
and a sweet fantasy
انا عايشة فيه
I am living in