Translation of the song أدور artist Angham
I'm searching
ادور للفرح وجه يشابه فرحتي وياك
For joy, I'm searching a face that resembles my joy with you.
عسى ما تلمح احزاني و يبان الهم في عيني
You may couldn't seen my grief and the worries that become clear in my eyes.
واذا تبغى الصدق ما للصدف منه على لقياك
If you want honesty, what is a coincidence to meet you.
انا ادري بهالمكان تمر و استناك تحييني
I know that in this place you will pass and I’m waiting for you to greeting me.
وقفت بظلمة الشارع وما ودي تشوف هناك
I stopped in the darkness of the street, to don't look at me.
ولكن من هواك النور يضوي القلب و يضويني
But when you are passion, the light shines to my heart and makes me light.
فضحني اللي سترت اش عاد تفرق لو أقول اهواك
You exposed me and I become no care about if I say, I love you.
بدونك ما بقى بي شي بعد ما رحت يعنيني
Without you I wouldn’t be care in anything after you left me.
صدقت بكل شي الا اذا اني احتجت لك بلقاك
You believed for everything, unless I needed you to meet you.
كذب ذاك الوعد كانه على وصلك يمنيني
That promise lies to me that your proximity will guide to me.
وانا كثر اللي ما قلته وقلته تارك بدنياك
And I’m with what I said, that you are my whole world.
بقايا قلب لو تدري بحبه ما تعنيني
A remnant of a heart, if you know how love is concerned to me.
أبسأل وش هو غير الحب من قلب الرضى قدجاك
I will ask you, what changed for your love and for your heart of satisfaction has brought you.
وإذا كان الهوى نعمة أمانة ليه تشقيني
And if passion is a blessing of trust, why don't chastise to me?
يمر الوقت وما ألقى عزاي الا على طرياك
Time passes, and you are only consoled for me.
تغير كل شي الا هواك اللي يواسيني
Everything has changed except who you comfort for mine.
وسامحني انا ما اقدر ولا تكفي بعد ذكراك
Forgive me, I don’t appreciate and it isn’t enough to remember you.
انا مالي فرح وانت ايدينك مو في يديني
I become un happy when your hand doesn't touch my hands.
بشيل الكذبة عن وچهي و شفني من بعد فرقاك
I will remove the lie from my face and see me after your leaves.
وشوف الحزن كم ضيع ملامح عاشقك فيني
And see how sad the features of your lover that missed you.
وقرب هذا انا والله ولو ماشبه حبيبك ذاك
I swear by God, even if it is not like your lover
مضى غير الوهم هم وكم عام من سنيني
Only illusions have passed in my life and only minimum years of my whole years.
وناظر عيني بتلقى بقايا عبرتي بحماك
And look in my eyes, you will find the remnants of your memories
تناديلي و اناديلك دخيلك لا تخليني
Calling you, and begging to you to don’t leave far.