Translation of the song أنا بعته كتير artist Angham
أنا بعته كتير
I've Sold Him Out Many Times
انا بعته كتير و وجعته كتير
I've sold him out many times, and I have hurt him many times
وانا فاكر انه لايمكن يوم من ايدي يطير
Thinking he would never escape my hands*1
وسقاني خلاص من نفس الكاس
Now he has poured me from the same drink
ولايمكن هقدر اقول انه معندوش إحساس
And I cannot say that he is heartless
وهلوم على مين وهغلط مين
Whom can I blame? On whom can I place the fault?
مش هافتح بقي معاه طب أعاتبه بأي عين
Shouldn't I open the subject with him? But with what right can I reproach him?
مش انا اللي بديت هديت ما بنيت
Wasn't I the one who started? I destroyed what I built
فكرت إن انا ضامنه وآديني على بعده صحيت
I was so sure of him staying, and I only woke up after he left
ياما قاللي بلاش وماتستقواش
How many times did he tell me not to push my luck?**
ياما قاللي مسير الجرح يقسي وماهتمتش
How many times did he tell me that all wounds harden and I didn't care?
لا عليه حنيت ده انا بيه ضحيت
I wasn't kind to him, no, I sacrificed him
وآديني بموت انما حبه في قلبي مابيموتش
Here I am dying but his love in my heart won't die
كان حلم وضاع يا حبيبي وداع
It was a dream that was lost. O, my lover, it's now goodbye.
مش طالب منك غير تسامحني انا مش طماع
I only ask that you forgive me, I won't be greedy.