Translation of the song بحب نفسي artist Angham


بحب نفسي

English translation

I love myself

ما اعرفش ليه

I don't know why

كل لما اشوفه والقى عنيا قصاد عنيه

Whenever I see him

بحب نفسي

I love my self !

يرجعلي ليه

Why would he come back to me ?

طبعا عشان لما بيغمض عنيه

Of course because he misses my whispers

يشتاق لهمسي

when he closes his eyes

يسمع لصوتي .. حتى في سكوتي

He hears my voice .. even in my silence

يسمعني عادي .. وفي بعادي

He hears me properly .. and in my absence

يموت في كل حاجه فيا

He kills everything inside of me

واهو جاني تاني .. يندم عشاني

And here he comes again .. regretting leaving me

ويقول ليالي كتير بقاسي في البعاد

and telling me how much he suffers in my absence

ارجعي ليا

and wants me to come back to him

وكان بس ليه .. من الاول

Why from all along

يبعد بعيد .. ويطول

would he go away for so long ?

ما دام حيرجع .. كان ليه بيبعد

As long as he'd come back.. why did he leave ?

خلاص عرفت .. رجعلي ليه

I already knew why he came back to me

وطب هو ليه .. ما فكرش

why didn't he think

انه في بعدي .. ما يقدرش

that he wouldn't be okay in my absence ?

يعيش لوحده لو حتى ليله

He couldn't live alone even for a night

وكتير في بعده وباحس بيه

and also I feel him close in his absence

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