Translation of the song حتة ناقصة artist Angham


حتة ناقصة

English translation

A Missing Part

انا مش حبيبتك

I'm not your lover

احساسي أكبر

My feelings are bigger

الحب حاجة

Love is one thing

و اللي حساه حاجة تانية

and what I feel is something else

انا حتة منك

I am part of you

تتعب بتتعب

When you get tired, I get tired1

تفرح بتفرح

When you get happy, I get happy

يا حبيبي قوام في ثانية

Oh love, right away in a second



انت حبيبي

You are my lover

انت ابويا

You are my father

انت ابني

You are my son

روحي اللي لما تسيبني ثانية

You are my soul, when you leave me for a second

قوام تسبني

[my soul] leaves me right away

مشكلتي انك حاجة اكبر من حبيبي

My problem is that you are something more than a lover

لكن بحس ان انت

But I feel that you are

بس يادوب حاببني

only in love with me



لو حتى كنت بحس

If I feel that there is

عندك حتة ناقصة

some missing part in you,2

من امتى يعني في الدنيا دي حاجة كاملة؟

Since when was anything in this world perfect?

مانكرش انك بتعاملني احسن معاملة

I don't deny that you treat me in the best way possible

بعدين يا سيدي قصادنا عمر بحاله لسه

Anyways fella, the entire life is still ahead of us



انا مش حبيبتك

I'm not your lover

احساسي أكبر

My feelings are bigger

الحب حاجة

Love is one thing

و اللي حساه حاجة تانية

and what I feel is something else

انا حتة منك

I am part of you

تتعب بتتعب

When you get tired, I get tired1

تفرح بتفرح

When you get happy, I get happy

يا حبيبي قوام في ثانية

Oh love, right away in a second

انت حبيبي

You are my lover

انت ابويا

You are my father

انت ابني

You are my son

روحي اللي لما تسيبني ثانية

You are my soul, when you leave me for a second

قوام تسبني

[my soul] leaves me right away

مشكلتي انك حاجة اكبر من حبيبي

My problem is that you are something more than a lover

لكن بحس ان انت

But I feel that you are

بس يادوب حاببني

only in love with me



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