Translation of the song عمري معاك artist Angham
عمري معاك
My Life is with You
استنيت الفرصه تجيلي
I have waited for the chance to come
واحكي معاك
So that I can speak to you
احكي واقوللك عاللي في قلبي
Speak to you and tell you of what's in my heart
اللي بيهواك
which is in love with you
مانتا الدنيا واحلي مافيها
You are the world and the loveliest of what's in it
طيبه قلبك بتحليها
The kindness of your heart sweetens it
مانتا الفرحه اللي بعيش بيها
You are the happiness that I live with
عمري معاك
My life [is] with you
ياللي عيونك دول حكاياتي
Oh your eyes are my tales
خدني مني
Take me away from myself
يا كل حياتي
You are my whole life
خدني اعيشلك
Take me so that I can live for you
اجمل ات
the most beautiful future
عمري معاك
My life is with you
شايف حبيبي شايف؟
Can you see, darling, can you?
سامع همس الشفايف؟
Can you hear the whispers of [my] lips
وكلام قلبي اللي خايف
and the words of my heart that is scared
يحكي لغيرك هواه؟
to tell anyone else of his love?
ياما القلب كتير اتمني
My heart has wished for so long
يجري عليك
to run to you
وانا اقوله استني
And I kept telling it to wait
بكره مع الايام تتهني
Tomorrow we will live in bliss as days go by
عمري معاك
My life is with you