Translation of the song هدنة artist Angham



English translation

A truce

بلاش بالشكل ده نمشي طريق العمر لنهايته

Let us not walk the path of our life to the end the way we do

ويفضل كل واحد فينا حاسس إن شئ فايته

While each of us is feeling that something is missing

جمعنا الحب يوم لكن

We have been bound by love once, but now

بقينا في بعض بنعادي

We treat each other like enemies

وصوت العقل قال نمشي

The voice of reason tells us to move on

وفيه شئ بينا بينادي

But there is something inside us calls us

هنبعد فترة ونفكر

To keep a distance for sometime and think it over

عشان يبقى القرار هادي

So that we can calmly decide


Consider it

اعتبرنا خدنا هدنة من عهودنا

Consider it as if we had a truce from our vows

كل واحد فينا قلبه يكون وحيد

So, the heart of each of us will be alone

تبقى فرصة نداوي روحنا من جروحنا

It would be an opportunity for us to heal the wounds in our souls

أو نشوف الصورة أوضح من بعيد

And to see the whole picture better from a distance

بحبك مش مصدقها

I love you. Don't you believe these words?

عشان إحساسها راح مني

Because I lost the feeling of saying them

وبهرب من إيديك دايماً

I always run from your arms

عشان حساك غريب عني

Because you feel stranger to me

و أسلم حل دلوقتي

The safest thing to do now

نغيب عن بعضنا شوية

Is to go away for sometime

يا جابنا البعد تاني لبعض

Like that we will be either combined back again, thanks to parting

و ردك من جديد ليا

Which would lead you back to me

يا نبعد واللي بينا يعيش

Or we will be separated forever. And what we once had

جميل في عينيك و في عينيا

Will live forever, wonderful in our eyes

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