Translation of the song هنا و هناك artist Angham
هنا و هناك
Here and there
ابتدت قصة غرامي من هنا
My love story has started Here
وانتهت قصة غرامي من هناك
And There it has ended.
ليتني كملت عمري بس هنا
I wish I had continued my life only here,
ليت عمري ما خذاني لي هناك
I wish my life hadn't taken me there.
خذني مني خلني بيدك هنا
Steal me from myself and let me be in your arms here,
لا تخليني انا لحالي هناك
Don't leave me all by myself there.
وانت تدري وحدك الساكن هنا
You know you're the only one who dwells here.
وغيرك الباقي ترى منسي هناك
And I've forgotten all about everyone else there.
العمر مرة وانا لولا هنا
We live only once when we're here,
ماقدرت أحيا انا عمري هناك
I couldn't bear spending my life out there.
ليتني اقدر الاقي زي هنا
I wish I could find somewhere else like here,
كان ما اشغلتك حبيبي من هناك
Then I wouldn't have bothered you from out there.
قلبي اللي جابنيلك لي هنا
My heart is the one who just brought me here,
وانت تدري كيفني بعدك هناك
And you know how I'm doing without you there.
بس علمني إذا ممكن هنا
Please tell me if here is still possible
وإلا علمني عشان أبقى هناك
Or just teach me how to stay there*