Translation of the song هو نفس الشوق artist Angham
هو نفس الشوق
It is the same longing
هو نفس الشوق في قلبي
It is the same longing in my heart.
وبحلاوته وبعذابه
With its sweetness and tormentor.
يظهر إن الشوق يا قلبي
It appears that longing, O, my heart.
عمره ما يفارق صحابه
It never gets leaves its companions at its life.
والسهر آه م السهر يتعب عيوني
And staying up late, ah, staying up exhausts my eyes.
والأماني والحنين يجوا يزوروني
As well as wishes and memories come to visit me.
لما سيرتك تيجي تيجي تصحي فيّا كل حاجة
When the conversation is about you, all things wake up in me.
كل حاجة حتى نار الغيرة لسه قايده أهي
Everything, even the fire of jealousy, is still the same.
زي ما هي
Is still the same.
في حب بيروح بالسنين والأسية والماسافات
There is love that quits by years and becomes hardens over long distances.
وحب بيعيش بالسنين
And there is love that lives by year's,
بالسنين مستخبي ف ذكريات
and becomes hide in memories.
في حب تاني
There is a second different love type.
حب أقوي من اللي بيحسوه الحبايب وقت ما يتجمعوا
Love that is stronger than what the lovers feel when they meet together.
يعرفوه بس السهارى والحيارى
They know and feel about it only who's stayed up and bewilderment.
اللي سرقت منهم الأيام حبايب عمرهم ما هيرجعوا
Those who the days that stole from them their beloved ones, which will not return.
يبان في تنهيدة وكلام مابيتحكييش
It is shown by a sigh and talk that have no voice for converse.
وعيون بتسرح
And the eye that is wondering.
ودموع بتدارى في ضحكة عشان نعيش
And tears are covering by laughter so that we can live.