Translation of the song يا ريتك فاهمني artist Angham
يا ريتك فاهمني
I Wish You'd Understand Me
يا ريتك فاهمني بجد زي ما بفهمك
I wish you'd really understand me like I understand you
وتقرا اللي جوايا أما عيني تبصلك
and read my mind when I look at you
يا حلمي اللي متأجل وأنا هاموت و أحلمك
you're a dream that I've been putting off, I might die while you're still just a dream
يا عمري اللي ناقص عمر نفسي أكملك
you're my life that's missing a life, I wish I could complete you
يا كل الكلام اللي بشفايفي بهمسه
you're all the words on my lips that I whisper
يا أملي اللي بتمناه أطوله او ألمسه
you're the wish that I wish I could reach out to or touch
يا هوا من زمان عايشة عشان بتنفسه
you're the air that's been keeping me alive
ياريت أبقى اخرك في الحياة دي و أولك
I wish I could be your last and first
لو اختار ما بين نفسي وما بينك هاعترف
if I had to choose between me and you, I will confess
بإن انت أغلى و أولى وكمان أولاً
that you're more precious than me, you have the priority and you're first
بحبك سنين في السر وماحدش عرف
I've been in love with you secretly for years and no one knew
وأنا أدفع سنين تانيين وأحبك في العلن
and I'm paying more years and loving you in the open
عينيك ألف رحلة وفيها خدت على السفر
your eyes are a thousand trip and I've gotten used to travel in them
يا ليل قد عمري نفسي يطول و أسهره
you're a night as long as my lifetime that I wish it gets longer so I can stay awake
يا ذنب في حياتي اللي لو بكره اتغفر
you're a sin in my life that if it shall be forgiven tomorrow
بقية حياتي هعيده و أفضل أكرره
I will spend the rest of my life doing it all over and time and time again