Translation of the song O cigani gde ste artist Predrag Zivković Tozovac
O cigani gde ste
O gypies where are you
O cigani gde ste, odavno vas trazim
Oh gypies (a gypsie band) where are you, I've been searching a long time for you
'ocu nocas s'vama tugu da ublazim,
Tonight I want to alleviate my pain with you
svirajte za mene, zategnite zice
Play for me, thighten your strings
od veceras nema moje verenice.
From this night on I'm no longer with my fiance
Ovamo cigani zauzmite mesto
Come over here gypsies, take your place
o cigani s'njom sam slusao vas cesto.
Oh gypies with her I've listened to you often
Verenicki prsten vratila mi juce
Yesterday she returnd her engagement ring to me
a veceras mene bol i tuga muce,
But tonight pain and grief torture me
od drugara cujem ona se udaje
I hear from my friends that she's getting married
moja sreca nekom drugom otisla je.
My happiness has gone to another
Kada uzmes cigo violinu tvoju
Gypsie when you take your violin
zaplakacu uz nju zalim dragu moju,
I'll cry along with it (the violin's sound), I mourn for my dear
ja veceras placam, a vi mi svirajte
I'm crying tonight and you're playing for me
nek' veselo bude, u bol ne dirajte.
Let it be merrily, don't touch me in my pain (don't remind me of her)