Translation of the song Sama si artist Predrag Zivković Tozovac
Sama si
You're alone
Sama si, kraj tebe nikog nema.
You're alone, no one is next to you
Htela si da odeš od mene
You wanted to go away from me
i sada nisi ni njemu, ni meni žena
And now you're not mine or his wife
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Chorus 2×
Provodiš duge noći sad
You spend long nights now
niko ne dolazi
Nobody comes
a život prolazi kao san
Life's going on like a dream
odlazi dan po dan
Going on day after day
Zora je, gase se svetla noći
It's dawn, lights of night are turning off
budiš se, u svojoj samoći
You are waking up in your loneliness
i silom hoćes, da živiš
And by forcing you want to live
da sanjaš sreću
To dream the happiness
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Chorus 2×
Provodiš duge noći sad
You spend long nights now
niko ne dolazi
Nobody comes
a život prolazi kao san
Life's going on like a dream
odlazi dan po dan
Going on day after day
Sećam se, kako je nekad bilo
I remember how it used to be
radosni, u zoru smo bili
We were happy in dawn
u nama ljubav
Love inside of us
u tebi, u meni - sreća
In you, in me - happiness
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Chorus 2×
Provodiš duge noći sad
You spend long nights now
niko ne dolazi
Nobody comes
a život prolazi kao san
Life's going on like a dream
odlazi dan po dan.
Going on day after day.