Translation of the song Sviraj mi, sviraj brate artist Henda
Sviraj mi, sviraj brate
Play for me, play for me brother
Bila je mlada, zaljubljena
She was young, in love
bila je sretna i voljena
She was happy and loved
vihor rata odnese sve
The whirlwind of war took it all away
pod tuđe nebo je donese
moved her under someone's else sky
Bio sam mlad i zaljubljen
I was young and in love
k'o mjesec maj te godine
like the month May that year
našu mladost i naše sne
our youth and our dreams
vraća mi zvuk harmonike
is brining me back the sound of harmonica
Sviraj mi, sviraj, brate
Play for me, play for me brother
vrati me mome kraju
Bring me back to my home
vrati mi Sarajevo
Bring me back Sarajevo
i staru dobru raju
and the good old friends
Sviraj mi, Bosno moja
Play for me, my Bosnia
lijepa i gizdava
beautiful and haughty
tamo je moja ljubav
that's where my love
zauvijek ostala
is remaining forever