Translation of the song Domovina Horvatskoga sina artist Žiga i Bandisti
Domovina Horvatskoga sina
Homeland of the Croatian son
Dok ja dojdem v domovinu
When I come to my homeland
Dok pred lesom stanem
When I stand in front of the hazel tree (fence gate)
Smislim ja se oca, majke
I remember my father, mother
I na kolena padnem
I fall on my knees
Fala Božek za to zdrvje
Thank you God for that health
Fala ti za snagu
Thank you God for that strenght
Puno imam na tom svetu x2
I have lots in this word x2
Tu ja ljubim svoju dragu x2
I love my darling x2
REF.: x2
REF.: x2
Tu je ljubav, tu je raj
Here it's love, here it's paradise
I premili rodni kraj
And dearest place (landscape) of birth
Tu je moja domovina
This is my homeland
Domovina Horvatskoga sina
Homeland of the Croatian son
Konji črni, konji beli
Horses black, horses white
Nosite me v domovinu
Bring me to my homeland
Tam gde srce je veselo
There where the heart is happy
Tam je čovek v svojem selu
There where the man is in his place
Dravu budem ja pregazil
River Drava I will cross
Makar je gliboka
Although it's deep
Muru budem je preplaval x2
River Mura I will swim across x2
pa makar je široka x2
Although it's wide x2
Ref. x2
Ref x2