Translation of the song Nachtbringer artist Blutengel

English, German


English translation


Deep in our heart, a fire will rise.

Deep in our heart, a fire will rise.

This world is built from a million lies.

This world is built from a million lies.

How can we live in the land of the dead,

How can we live in the land of the dead,

where everyone speaks but nothing is said?

where everyone speaks but nothing is said?



Tief in unserer Seele brennt die Glut,

The embers burn deep in our souls,

in unsern Adern fließt das schwarze Blut.

the black blood flows in our veins.

Wir reiten immer weiter durch die Nacht,

We ride on and on through the night,

die neue Freiheit ist in uns erwacht.

the new freedom has awoken in us.



Everyone is afraid of what he doesn't know,

Everyone is afraid of what he doesn't know,

but they keep so many secrets they don't want to show.

but they keep so many secrets they don't want to show.

Don't let the last hope beside you die,

Don't let the last hope beside you die,

don't waste your life, stop living a lie.

don't waste your life, stop living a lie.

[Chorus]: [4x]

[Chorus]: [4x]

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