Translation of the song The Victory of Light artist Blutengel
The Victory of Light
The Victory of Light
Wir sind zurück aus der Dunkelheit
We are back from the darkness
Viel zu lange konnten wir uns nicht befreien
For too long we could not set ourselves free
Wir hatten Angst vor dem was kommt
We were afraid of what was to come
Wir hatten Angst, dass es so bleibt
We were afraid that it would stay this way
Wir wollten nur, dass es wieder wird...
We just wanted it to be...
...wie vor langer, langer Zeit it was a long, long time ago
Auf in die Zukunft
Into the future
Auf ins Licht
Into the light
Auf in die Zukunft
Into the future
Auf ins Licht
Into the light
This is the victory of light
This is the victory of light
The victory of light
The victory of light
Victory of light
Victory of light
Auf in die Zukunft
Into the future
Auf ins Licht
Into the light
Wir werden kämpfen, Tag für Tag
We shall fight day after day
Denn das ist unsere Zeit
For this is our time
Unsere Hoffnung wird niemals sterben
Our hope will never die
This is the victory of light
This is the victory of light
The victory of light
The victory of light
Victory of light
Victory of light
This is the victory of light
This is the victory of light
This is the victory of light
This is the victory of light
The victory of light
The victory of light
Victory of light
Victory of light
The victory of light
The victory of light
Victory of light
Victory of light