Translation of the song Comprendo artist Danna Paola
I Understand
Se hacía tarde en el reloj
It was getting late on the clock
Y en mi corazón tenia abierta una ventana
And in my heart had an opened window
Se metió como un ladrón
He came in like a thief
Con un paro no sé que en su mirada.
With a stoppage I don't know what in his eyes.
El toco mi piel
He touched my skin
Y no sé porque
And don't know why
Se me olvido
I forgot
Que no debía suceder.
That shouldn't happen.
Los ojos cerré
I closed my eyes
Luego lo bese
Then I kissed him
Con total atrevimiento amiga
With all boldness my friend
Todo estaba hay
Everything was there
Hecho para mi
Made for me
Como salido de un cuento amiga
Like something out of a tale my friend
Al fin comprendo
At last I understand
El porqué no dejas de quererlo.
The reason you don't stop loving him.
Fue la noche, fue su voz?
Was it night, was it his voice?
Que me atravesó los miedos y lleno mi alma
What it pierced me the fears and filled my soul
Lo intentaste describir
What you tried to describe
Lo que era tenerlo y te faltaron las palabras.
What was to have it and you missed the words.
El toco mi piel
He touched my skin
Y no se porque
And don't know why
Se me olvido
I forgot
Que no debía suceder.
That shouldn't happen.
Los ojos cerré
I closed my eyes
Luego lo bese
Then I kissed him
Con total atrevimiento amiga
With all boldness my friend
Todo estaba hay
Everything was there
Hecho para mi
Made for me
Como salido de un cuento amiga
Like something out of a tale my friend
Al fin comprendo
At last I understand
El porqué no dejas de quererlo.
The reason you don't stop loving him.
El porqué no dejas
The reason you don't stop
Al fin comprendo
At last I understand
El porqué no dejas
The reason you don't stop
De quererlo.
Loving him.
El porqué no dejas de quererlo.
The reason you don't stop loving him.