Translation of the song Pablo y Andrea artist Danna Paola
Pablo y Andrea
Paul And Andrea
Todo el mundo de ilusiones
The whole world of illusions
Sueños, magia sensaciones
Dreams, magical sensations
No podrás creer
You won't believe
Lo que aquí puedes ver
What you can see here
Todos juntos entre amigos
All of us together among friends
Aventuras divertidas
Amusing adventures
Ven y ya veras
Funny adventures
Lo que puedes encontrar.
Come and you'll see
Todas las historias, con principio sin final
All stories, with a beginning endless
Vamos paso a paso, juntos mas y mas.
Let's step by step, together more and more.
Pablo y Andrea, tantas emociones van a vivir
Paul and Andrea, so many emotions are going to live
Pablo y Andrea, sueños e ilusiones va a compartir
Paul and Andrea, dreams and illusions is going to share
Pablo y Andrea, juntos todo lo podrán vencer
Paul and Andrea, together, all will be able to overcome
Pablo y Andrea, ven y con nosotros… ji ji ji te vas a divertir.
Paul and Andrea, come and with us...hee hee hee you're going to fun.
Hay un bosque y un tesoro
There's a forest and a treasure
Dos o tres o cuatro locos
Two or three or four crazies
No podrás creer
You won't believe
Lo que aquí puedes ver
What you can see here
Pon la fuerza y la alegría
Put the power and joy
La tristeza es destruida
The sadness is destroyed
Ven y ya veras
Come and you'll see
Lo que puedes encontrar.
What you can find.
Todas las historias, con principio sin final
All stories, with a beginning endless
Vamos paso a paso, juntos mas y mas.
Let's step by step, together more and more.
Pablo y Andrea, tantas emociones van a vivir
Paul and Andrea, so many emotions are going to live
Pablo y Andrea, sueños e ilusiones van a compartir
Paul and Andrea, dreams and illusions is going to share
Pablo y Andrea, todo juntos lo podrán vencer
Paul and Andrea, together, all will be able to overcome
Pablo y Andrea, ven y con nosotros… te vas a divertir.
Paul and Andrea, come and with're going to fun.
Pablo y Andrea, un mundo de ilusiones
Paul and Andrea, a world of ilusines
Donde puedes encontrar, sueños, magia sensaciones
Where you can find, dreams, magic sensations
Pablo y Andrea, aventuras divertidas
Paul and Andrea, amusing adventures
Vamos a vivir con la fuerza y la alegría.
Let's live with the force and joy.
Pablo y Andrea, tantas emociones van a vivir
Paul and Andrea, so many emotions are going to live
Pablo y Andrea, sueños e ilusiones van a compartir
Paul and Andrea, dreams and illusions is going to share
Pablo y Andrea, juntos todo lo podrán vencer
Paul and Andrea, together, all will be able to overcome
Pablo y Andrea, ven y con nosotros… te vas a divertir.
Paul and Andrea, come and with're going to fun.