Translation of the song Principe Azul artist Danna Paola
Principe Azul
Prince Charming
Fue llegar y tener clavados
He happened to come and have
Ese par de ojos descarados
That pair of piercing brazen eyes
Que hacen caminar caracoles por mi ombligo
Which stir up butterflies in my stomach
I tried
Que no se notara
Not to reveal
Que el imán
That the magnet
De aquellas miradas
Of those eyes
Tiraba de mi
Lured me
Sin poderlo resistir
Powerless to resist it
Justo en el momento critico
Right at the critical point
Y tu corazon se me puso a tiro
And your heart made a target out of me
Tu, tan diferente tu
You, you're so different
De aquel príncipe azul
From that prince charming
Que andaba permanentemente
Who is constantly
Por mis sueños
In my dreams
Tu, astutamente tu
You, the shrewd you,
Sin ser príncipe azul
Without being a prince charming
Te basta una insolente hola
You need just one insolent hello
Y me cortas la luz
To put out the sunlight for me
Aposté que no nos duraba
For us, I bet, it didn't last
Mucho más de una o dos semanas
Much longer than one or two weeks
Quién iba a pensar
Who could think of
El peligro en el que estaba
The danger I was in
El primer amor es de cine
The first love is filmy
Me asusté
I panicked
Por que me pusiste en el disparador
Because you placed me at gunpoint
Y no estaba preparada
And I wasn't ready
Sé que no es muy lógico
I know it's not pretty logical
Creer en algo mágico en lo que me pasa
To believe in anything magical whatever happens to me
Tu, tan diferente tu
You, you're so different
De aquel príncipe azul
From that prince charming
Que andaba permanentemente
Who is constantly
Por mis sueños
In my dreams
Tu, astutamente tu
You, the shrewd you,
Sin ser príncipe azul
Without being a prince charming
Te basta una insolente hola
You need just one insolent hello
Y me cortas la luz
To put out the sunlight for me