Translation of the song 主旋律 artist Eason Chan

Chinese (Cantonese)


English translation

The Main Theme (Melody)

旋律 牽引著 弦樂

The theme is pulling on the strings

情感 總有深淺厚薄

There are different depths and thickness to emotions

誰於五線譜雕刻上 承諾

Who carved promises into the staves?

誰於拍子機複製出 假快樂

Who replicated fake bliss at the metronome?


To cry at the most important line


A small interlude in the big era

記錄太多筆跡 十年廿載相識

Too much handwriting is recorded; a decade or two of acquaintance


Fumbling within musical notes

舊日 你有你邁步 我有我邁步

Yesterday you strode your way, and I strode mine

愛若是藍圖 永不用設起圈套

If love is a blueprint, there is never a need to set up a trap

你要我讓步 我要你讓步

You want me to give in, I want you to give in


Melody and scale disguised anger

你有你道路 我有我道路

You have you way, and I have mine

愛若是徒勞 再不用記起苦惱

If love is futile, there is no need to remember the anguish

你每個逗號 我每個問號

Every of your commas, every of my question marks


are now led in detail by the theme

動人樂譜 為求定好 相愛的新去路

A resonant score, written to set up a new way to love

旋律 怎制定 量度

How does one arrange and measure a theme?

人心 總有陰險磊落

There are always slyness and honesty in men

誰的羅曼史只不過 娛樂

Whose romance is but entertainment?

誰的奮鬥史渲染出 假哲學

Whose history of struggles play up fake philosophy?

在最重要 一刻退縮

To back down at the most important moment

大時代 煙花結束

Fireworks of a big era ends

節錄太多光景 二人捕風捉影

Too many scenes are captured; two people grasping at shadows


Drifting within musical notes

現在 你有你邁步 然後 我有我邁步

Now you stride your way, then I stride mine

再相遇 奈何時辰未到

Meeting again, but the time has not come yet

現在 你要我讓步 然後 我要你讓步

Now you want to give in, then I want you to give in

再爭辯 難投懷合抱

Debating further, it is hard to hold each other

昨日 你有你道路 明日 我有我道路

Yesterday you had your way, tomorrow I have mine

再分別 又來重逢預告

Separate again, and the prediction of reunion arrives again

昨日 你每個逗號 明日 我每個問號

Every of your commas yesterday, and every of my question marks tomorrow

難合譜 如流螢亂舞

are hard to score together, like fireflies buzzing without direction


When shall we find


the new system of love?


Let the melody protest in silence!


A new season of love


Let the melody be a bore!

現在 你大業鴻圖 然後 我樂極迷途

Now you have your big schemes, then I am lost in my ecstasy

再相遇 為何情仇互報

Meeting again, why are we seeking revenge?

現在 你賜予任務 然後 我受命如奴

Now you prescribe missions, then I obey like a slave

再爭辯 和諧無路訴

Debating further, there is no way to harmony!

昨日 你有你舊路 明日 我有我後路

Yesterday you had your old ways, tomorrow I have my way of retreat

再分別 又來愁雲密佈

Separate again, and the clouds gather again

昨日 各有各嫉妒 明日 各有各自傲

Yesterday we had our own jealousy, tomorrow we have our own pride

才合譜 隨旋律入腦

then score together, and follow the melody into the mind


Speak without a stammer


A new angle of love


Let the melody solemnly declare!


A new realm of love


Let the melody sink in and brainwash!

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