Translation of the song 味之素 artist Eason Chan

Chinese (Cantonese)


English translation


明治通 的快餐 也都有用

The fast food on Meiji-Dōri1 uses it

猿樂町 的主婦 也都有用

The housewives in Sarugakuchō2 also use it

誰做菜 想好吃

Everyone who wants to make delicious food

爐灶上 廚櫃中

On the stove, in the cupboard


There's always a bucket of it

豚角煮 加兩羹 姆指會動

Two spoonfuls into a Buta no Kakuni3, and the thumb wiggles

全日本 炒的菜 也保証用

All fried vegetables in Japan are guaranteed to contain it

連脷尖 都適應

Even the tongue tips are acclimatised to it

如美食 入了樽

As if it's gourmet food in a bottle


Why won't you even touch it?

為何熱吻 要共真的愛人

Why does a passionate kiss have to be with a real lover?

誰話報刊 供應真相 的養份

Who says the news supply the nutrients of truth?

美夢已 那樣似 為何成真

The sweet dream is already so vivid, why does it have to be true?


Even if it's fake, I want it


Even if it makes my mouth dry, I want it


All five meals of the day heavily processed


How should I get used to it?

調味太少 咀都刁了

Too little flavouring! (My) taste's getting selective

華爾街 通化街 也都有用

Wall Street, Tonghua Street4, they all use it

牛脷酥 雞鮑翅 也都有用

Ox-tongue pastry5, braised shark's fin with chicken and abalone, they all have it

如若你 這一世

If you, for the rest of your life

能變做 垃圾桶

Can become a rubbish bin


(You can) enjoy good food for every meal

迴腸盪氣 這味精不太濃

It's stirring my bowels up; this MSG is not too thick

平淡會死 得半枝醋 不夠用

Blandness kills; half a bottle of vinegar is not enough

上陣網 看部戲 照例附送

Go on the internet for a while, watch a movie, it is attached in the package without exception

滲入你 滲入我 全球流通

It seeps into you, seeps into me, and circulates around the globe


Even if it's fake, I want it


Even if it makes my mouth dry, I want it


All five meals of the day heavily processed


How should I get used to it?

調味太少 寡守不了

Too little flavouring! I can't resist!


I don't want what's real


Perhaps I just can't digest it


What's fake is so savoury


Who's so noble to eat noodles in pure water?

還是你糖鹽辣醬 都戒清了

Or have you quit sugar, salt and hot sauce all together?

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